I was thinking to myself, if everyone wrote in an rp like they do in a fanfic, the story would flow elegantly. Then I thought, why not make this happen. It wouldn't necessarily be everyone telling their own story, but rather then having the characters connect and drive on, which seems to be the primary goal of every rp, they'd simply do their own thing with the assistance of another. Say I want to take over Bruma. I'd have another character, either created by myself or someone else, come help me. This would mean that everyone involved would have to be willing to let their character be controlled or else control the character themselves. But rather then having to wait for someone to return to continue controlling their character, you'd simply drive on using their character to complete your mission. Or until time allows the owner to return and complete the mission with you. I think it'd be fun. Say for instance I had to go to drill. So-and-so could use my character to rob a store. As long as he insured my character wasn't killed the story would drive on.
Does anyone see what I'm saying? It's like the 70's. We'd share everything...EVARYTHING? EVARYTHING!
When I've done it, there wasn't quite that much control. If another author needed to control someone else's character, then that would be allowed as long as they kept the character in question
in character. So, using one of your examples, if my character was under your control and you wanted to rob a bank, but my character is a good guy and obeys the law, then you wouldn't be able to do that and would have to use your own character or some circumstance of plot to get the cold, hard, cash. Such as if my character obeyed the law, but wasn't totally against a "finder's keepers" worldview, then you could have someone else rob the bank, get shot, but get away from the cops only to bleed to death. Then my character would take the money because hey, it was there.