Wasn't ever an issue for me. I can tell when someone is my enemy and not friendly because they, you know, attack.
If they are attacking then you've already lost the sneak bonus.
Nothing wrong with addressing something that botherd you in a previous game right? I did not have any problems with distinguishing enemies and allies.
Really? I'v shot countless people in dungeons who just wanted to give me a hug

Thank god some of the main quest givers are marked as essential... some but not all lol.
Some of us like to use the enemy as a pincushion before they attack
Exactly, I want to be able to shoot first and ask questions later without ruining my savegame.
Although i do like being ambushed so the compass thing maybe needs worked on, Maybe if you just aim at an enemy your crosshair turns red or something.
(Could be plenty of mods to turn it off if it ruins your immersion or you're just L33T and like shooting people 2ft away.)