Just do some hardcoe scavenging. I am, and always will be, in every game I play, a scavenger. I look in every nook and cranny, every box, every safe, and behind every desk for anything that might be useful. I'm more into story and RPing than combat, so I usually play on very easy difficulty for most of my playthroughs. I also hate dying in RPGs, the reason for this I can't quite put my finger on, but a lot of it is the fact that the hero in an RPG is not supposed to die, the hero saves the world, and (in my case) lives on to get rich and work for a cause, whether that cause be noble (regulators), or evil (talon company). I'm exponentially more interested in story-telling than shooting things, I narrate my character's life when playing and generally do what I would do in that world if I were in it. In the end, my character ends up with tens of thousands of caps (the highest I've gotten is around 30,000), dozens of badass weapons, dozens of great armor and general apparel sets, and 9 maxed out skills. Some (or most) would say that would get boring after a while, but, with my fortune I can fund any kind of 10 hour RP-someone-completely-different from-my-own-character session! I've only gone through about four playthroughs in FO3 because of so many different people I can be. So try some hardcoe scavenging, it pays off, big time.