So I've been planning this RP here for a few days, I've even written up a map, though in MS Paint, it's decent enough to hopefully help you all understand the layout of the city. The city is located two hundred miles from the D.C. shore. The idea is that a team will be sent to look for something (I won't say what just yet), but the other side of the plot is Mieux is struggling to keep his presidency, which he has held for one term, and is currently in his second term. If you don't want to start as a citizen or politician, you can start off as a D.C. resident, which will be a central plot setting of the story.
Be advised, I wrote three maps, please look over ALL of them, it's vital to the idea of the city in the story. If you want to start as part of the crew that will be sent out, you'll be issued Combat Armor, an R91 Assault Rifle with 15 clips per member, 3 Stimpaks, 2 Med-X, and a Pipboy 3000 to communicate your notes and write down anything you find. If you're a wastelander then you can pick your gear.
Character Sheet:
Apparel or Armor: (If any)
Brief Bio: (Can be explained in the story)
Wastelander or Arcadia citizen: (This determines where you start)
These are a must read:
Standard forum rules apply, yadda yadda yadda.
Add on rules-
1. DO NOT FIRE NUCLEAR MISSLES, KILL RPERS, OR DO ANYTHING DRASTIC TO THE STORY WITHOUT CONSULTING ME. If this is not met with, there will be no warning, just a kick from the RP.
2. Please keep cursing to a minimal. By that, only use F or S words if you MUST. I hate seeing [Censored] tabs, and don't avoid the forum auto-censor please.
3. Have a good time.