Hello folks and many greetings. I wish to interduce you to the new song my good friend have made along with my honest tiny help i could provide him (tips).
The link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2lLE9l_HXg&feature=player_embedded97&p=394094#p394094 (thumb up in youtube if you liked it

Inside you will hear covers of morrowind oblivion and skyrim theme, voices are my friends voice - same for the music(he was recording over himseld over and over

We will be glad to get any critics and reviews. Or just an honest opinion from the bottom of your hearts.
Many thanks

P.s - sorry for any spelling mistake made, Im not american or english or so - just israeli guy. All of my english from english games such as ES (just another one of many things I own to them).
Also, I'm hoping this post is not forbidden by the forum rules, i was reading them but i wasn't sure enough if this is right or wrong :< so dear forum officer - just correct my post if im wrong. No need to get rough