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I'm sorry you have to paste the URL together, but I don't make the rules around here.
The Word of Heimskr
by ColonelKillaBee
I alone have been anointed to spread his holy word,
By the Nine to speak for Talos, Legion haven’t you heard?
He’s Talos the unerring, Talos the Unassailable,
How dare you step to me and tell me my god is unprayable?
He’s the one who started your Empire’s whole construction,
But the Thalmor got you writhing in the filth of your corruption!
With Numidium, he caused millions of mer fatalities,
Don’t hate because a man rose from the dung of immortality!
He was once man, aye! And as man he said,
“I won’t stop until you bow or ‘til all of you are dead!”
“The name is Talos, let me show you the power”
That’s why I preach his mighty word every minute and hour,
Just like their tower he’s gonna knock ‘em down and cause mer to splinter,
Cuz I'm born of the North where my breath is long winter!
I breathe now and reshape this land which is mine,
Cuz he is Talos, not the man, but Talos the Divine!
I still love you Red Legions, Aye love, love!
Even as you all betray me while I watch from above,
Each one of you held….the future of Tamriel,
But now you serve the elves because you’re under their spell,
And there it is friends, the whole ugly truth!
If you think that I’m lying, the treaty is the proof!
The true god of man, raised to the realm of spirit,
That’s why those elves are hatin and they don’t want to hear it,
The idea is inconceivable to our elf overlords,
Not only is a man a god, but that man is a Nord!
Nords were blessed with greatness from the day of our birth,
That’s why the elves can’t tolerate our presence on earth,
Will you let them take your businesses? Your children? Your lives?
The Stormcloaks surely will not! Not while Jarl Ulfric’s alive!
And the Empire does nothing to settle the score,
The Imperial machine makes you bend to Thalmor!
So Riiiise up, and join Stormcloaks, who are better,
So we, not the elves, will rule Skryrim…FOREVER!!!!!!!