Why are they hostile?
How do they get members if they seem to attack everyone?
Whats the deal with them?
Be cool to do work for them.
Why are they hostile?
How do they get members if they seem to attack everyone?
Whats the deal with them?
Be cool to do work for them.
Gunners, not Gun Runners. Gun Runners are a faction that isn't in Fallout 4.
Not all Gunners are automatically hostile. You occasionally stumble across some out in the wastes, away from Gunner controlled territory, that are not.
btw, if you are friendly with the BoS, do not assume that all vertibirds are friendly. Almost all of them are, but only ALMOST all of them.
Yep, with better weapon/armor drops when they die.
They are basically like Talon Company from Fallout 4... meaning they are simply hostile.
They're about as unexplained as the Talon Company...because reasons.
I would have preferred they just reuse the Talon Company if they're just going to make a carbon copy of them anyway but just green army men with a cliche name like Gunners. Or better yet, not feel the need to have introduce this kind of enemy to fill the high-tier loot enemy type quota. But whatever.
The Children of Atom was the perfect way to reintroduce a previous organization while at the same type creating a new enemy type that turned into a bunch of crazy cultist that utilize radiation weapons.
I'm ok with the Gunners being hostile. In my mind it doesn't necessarily make them evil, either. There are really only four kinds of people wandering around the Commonwealth:
1) Settlers / refugees
2) Gunners
3) Traders
4) Raiders / Scavengers
So a group of Gunners sees you coming. Even early on in the game your armor is too good and your weapons are too serious to assume you're a settler. They know you're not a fellow Gunner because you're not in uniform. You're obviously not a trader because you have no supply train (Dogmeat don't count). That just leaves Raiders. So by process of elimination it's reasonable for them to assume you're a threat and try to pre-emptively take you out.
Actually, in Fallout 3 when you first confront the Talon Company, one of them says to you something like "Do you think you can get away with the things you do?". That implies some mysterious person or organization put a contract on you head because you are a goody-too-shoe trying to kill off "evil" people in the wasteland and they want revenge. Or your evil criminal acts has gotten the attention of some law abiding citizen / organization and they decided to hire Talon Company to take you down so there is one less troublemaker in the wasteland.
Another reason for the Gunners to attack you on sight is that their leaders may have a closed list of clients that they do work for. Exclusive contracts. If you are not on the list, you get shot. Simple.
They apparently see clients by appointment only, they have a strict no walk in policy. As in, "walk-ins get shot".
Only if you have good karma, then someone puts a contract on your head and the Talon Company answer. If you have bad karma the only people that come after you are the Regulators. But if you were playing a character with neutral or bad karma and stumble across any Talon Company, they attack you...because reasons.
Regardless, I have no issue with them being full on hostile (although the lack of actual minor factions who aren't hostile based on your rep with them are sorely missed from previous Fallout games) they're hired guns. They kill to get paid. Killing a couple of random wasters probably won't bother them either.
I simply think they don't need to keep introducing these paramilitary mercenary factions for the sake of having that enemy type as if they think its necessary. Tribals, criminal organizations, maybe even some extremely xenophobic Vault Dwellers that kill everything in the wasteland on sight. Those would be cool to see. The Triggermen were one of those things I liked seeing.
When I think of all the NPCs I've killed over the decades just to take their gear, which was nowhere near as cool as what my SS is toting, it also starts to make sense.
Well, it's like this.
I found a settlement on an overpass, so I decided to check it out. I found a bed, some chems, food, and water. Since no one was around, I decided to take it.
Turns out, as I was leaving, two guys were walking the other way and most likely put two-and-two together and realized I looted their place. They're trying to survive too, so they did what came naturally: they attacked me hoping to get their stuff back.
Sadly, it didn't turn out in their favor. Not only did I steal from them, I killed them to keep it. To make matters worse, I looted their dead corpses.
I would have gotten away with it, but someone, or something, saw me, and as the other Gunners came by to ask where their missing comrades were, someone snitched me out. Not hard to do given I'm the only person wearing a vault suit with the giant numbers "111" on the back.
Word spread quickly, and now the Gunners have my number. Every time I see one, rather than initiate conversation to work something out, they fire at me.
Not that it matters, as what I take from them, I give to settlers throughout the Commonwealth.
People keep calling me the "sole survivor", but I'd rather think of myself as a new-age Robin Hood where I steal from the strong and give to the weak.
If you want any of this stuff, come visit me at Mass Fusion. I sort of took the lease away from them.
If you go to HalluciGen Building, you'll find the entire place is filled with Gunners that are fighting each other because of a gas leak, but there's one gunner locked in a chamber that you can have a conversation with and if you pass a speech check, she or he (was a female for me) won't be hostile to you.
I'm not sure I'd group raiders and Scavengers together. There's a huge difference between picking through the wasteland/sometimes stealing things and sweeping through [censored] and killing settlers and taking their stuff.
I've seen more Gunners that are not hostile, or warn you first, than I have ever seen of the Talon Company. They're both generic military factions pretty much, with plenty of ammo, guns, and armor for the player to take.
I heard it's cos Duke Nukem hates the Sole Survivor.