» Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:09 am
Each race has present a Stasis-aligned Time-Entity, one that is intricately tied to their creation myths, as that Time-Entity coincides with the IS, versus the IS-NOT.
The Aldmer have Auriel, the Imperials have Akatosh, the Yokudans had Akel/Tall-Papa, the Khajiit have Alkosh, etc
The thing to note is the distinct foundational similarities between all of these, not necessarily in their bodily descriptions, but in the events that are attributed to them and in the roles they occupy.
Each cultural representation may be considered a plausible viewing of the essence of the Time God, perhaps anologized as viewing the Time God through a unique Funhouse Mirror for each race.
That anology, however, implies that the interpretation is done at a subjective individual level, and has no bearing on the actual being of a God. http://www.imperial-library.info/content/where-were-you-when-dragon-broke-complete-version, as they are quite firmly attempting to edit out the undeniable presence of one culture's Time-God within their culture's Time-God, which then sensibly results in a breaking of Time.
It's unclear what the exact correct interpretation should be. Recent writings suggest that all the different aspects existed alongside one another in the Dawn and warred with each other. But even in that multiplicity, each culture's aspect still fulfilled the definitive essence of the role, and the events that play out on all sides are interchangable. Suggesting again a united theme. And even in that multiplicity, especially coupled with the Selectives mentioned above, the view of all-as-one is not out of place.
To appropriate one of Proweler's metaphors used to describe the events of the Shivering Isles, perhaps the best way to look at this situation of Gods is that all the aspects are merely actors in a play, where the respective aspects don the respective roles and are therefore understandable as the same.
EDIT: In other words, to the audience, Macbeth is still the same character, no matter who in particular is playing his role.