» Tue Dec 06, 2011 5:44 am
Mostly store everything in the SINK, or at the Abandoned BoS bunker, Most likely if I come back with a long haul and have a companion(s) with me, upon which I dont feel like dismissing then going to the SINK and then getting them back again, too much of a pain, even when you send em back to the Lucky 38 Casino. Also, the 38 is my third home, though I rarely visit it, unless I need to grab a companion..
I really think the SINK is the most useful home, especially after getting all the upgrades.The central hub is a shop thing XD, and you can refill those empty bottles and turn em into purified waters! (I have about 500 of them in the fridge actually). Plus all of em are so funny. Oh, and you can heal, cure Rad, etc etc... And get the Well Rested bonus, though I hardly get that.
Can someone name places that are easy to get to and safe to store your stuff in? Just wondering about all the places, in case I want to make a home for my weapons, another for armor, another for cosmetics, another for random junk.. You get the idea, or if I feel like making a RP character, that would live in a specific place necessary for his line of RPing ^^.