Note: im not been negative its just the facts out there and i still be getting skyrim for pc.
ok so bethesda and ID software developed and worked together to make Rage for a few years, im currently playing it, you can even find Vault figures from fallout 3 in the game, anyway the game is started from consoles and then ported to pc, now the game is out, and i must say it is a total mess i never played a game from ID nor from bethesda that had such a broken product.
my point is, that bethesda and ID software, a few years back, i dunno how, they came to realize that hey console are great and we can develop on console and port to pc.(a real statment).
and now after releasing the first product which was supposed to be a blockbuster, became a total mess that any developer will be ashamed of.
now what is scary about it is that Skyrim, started development around the same time work has began on rage, they took the same idea, to develop from console and port to pc.
and the reason im so upset is this:
Johnn Carmack admits he did a mistake!
rage was a mistake he wont be doing again.
read this it is a must:
if you realize what it means, is that it isnt good!,
for example, Rage didnt have any video settings at all for the pc, which is a must since PC have unlimited different builds, so players must adjust setting, and johann carmack just realized that developing on Consoles and then porting to pc doesnt go well.
dont say bethesda said they will make a good port, thats what they said about rage, in fact the game playable demo was looking great and worked great on pc, but on release it is total mess.
for those who did not understand what is it about, this is about- Developing a game on Consoles (Xbox,PS3,) and then porting it to pc. that is what was done with Rage, and it was a mess, thats what they are doing with Skyrim,
Johann carmack which is a great mind in gaming, stated it is a big mistake to develope on console then port to pc. that is what is all about! (carmack is developing games since doom first came out, if he said its a mistake, he knows)