» Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:40 pm
I certainly do not think that we are trying to change the game very much. It's not like they're going to add spears in the (non-DLC, anyway) game if we all want it.
However, we are discussing possible issues with the game, like threads about Marksman, the UI, Dialogue with NPCs, etc.. Since the devs do read the forums, I'm hoping these threads would bring to their attention issues that gamers are concerned about, so that they can have a greater awareness of what we gamers want, thus helping them to increase sales, in a way.
If we only discussed stuff like the GI articles, etc. and did not say anything about what we want to see in the game, the devs would be developing a game based on themselves.They could all love swords and so Skyrim only has swords, but they know gamers want more variety. IMO, it is through these forums and the opinions of critics and gamers alike of previous games that Bethesda can connect with gamers and know how to improve their games.