idk if you guys know about shockwave effect. but adding new weapons can be more work for them than you think, at least i think it is. cause i was thinking and, adding a new wep set or a new weapon. means making it accesible and adding it into the game. putting it on characters, maybe making a questline. putting it in some chests. ik this isnt a big time consumer. but yeah,
I'm going to go out on limb and assume you have no game design experience.
You can add weapons in 8 months time. For a devoted team, it will only take a matter of days (or less) to create a new weapon, and even create the character and first person animations for it. If it takes any more than a week to tweak it so it's "balanced" then they are doing something wrong. As for trivial stuff such as map details or more dungeons, all that can be done and tested in a short frame of time, I doubt they are paying their programmers, texture artists, animators, 3d modelers and mappers to sit on their asses for the next 8 months. Obviously some stuff is still being added/subject to change.
Giant suggestions like "I don't like skyrim, make it elswyr" obviously wouldn't work at this point, but asking for more weapons or specific dungeons/npcs isn't out of the picture. Whether or not the developers actually look at the forums, or hear about any of this is still up for debate.