And an excellent point. Well done.
sorry maybe my post was pointless i just find this thread weird, a lot of gamers do not live in the US and gameplay wise it serves the same purpose as coffee cups or 99% of the items in the game so i really see no issue, i live in Australia and if the game was set in Sydney and the real australian flag was labelled as junk i would have no issue with it
Would renaming the Junk tab (and all other instances) to Scrap be a fair change? Scrap is a slightly less inherently derogatory term. Ooh, how about Salvage? (Thank you dictionary/synonyms)
ammo are resources too, i feel its good the way it is
i was not thinking you would i just feel the way the menu's are set out is good as it is
Bet you wouldn't give two &%$# if it were a Canadian or British flag.
I have to wonder if the OP realizes that, in Fallout 3, the player quite literally puts fictional U.S. Remnant soldiers in their graves. Much less labeling a fictional flag "junk."
Because The Enclave actually does flag.
Tad awkward.
Also I seem to recall reading something in this world that the Gunners are the remnants of US Forces.
1. Know what you're doing. This is a game. Understand the story and understand why a certain thing is portrayed as such, unless you're too selfish and take everything too seriously. You're going to be at the same line as any SJW out there.
2. I think in this game, China, as a country, took the bigger 'insult' for being a country who created a mass destruction to USA civilians. WIth your patriotism level, are you going to hate China too now?
3. Read point 1 again.
Of course it also doesn't strike a nerve putting bullets into people's heads non-stop throughout the game.
I get where you're coming from, but you have to remember that to the people of the wasteland it is just junk. They don't know the meaning behind it and to them it's just a fancy piece of cloth they can use to make something or take in the bathroom with them to clean up with.
Somehow shooting resources with a "resources jet" just isn't as sixy...
*Loads fictional U.S. trifold flag into junk jet and shoots Chinese sub commander in the face with it*
I'm a veteran. I served my country in the US Navy during Desert Storm and the Cold War. And if I woke woke up out of cryofreeze to find myself living in the Commonwealth I'd take that trifold flag, use it as a blanket and burn the busted up case as firewood.
It's the apocalypse.
It is junk, or not junk, as decided by the player. Like with most things, there is no intrinsic value to those flags unless someone comes along and makes them valuable. Do those flags represent something special to you? In the game, they are remnants of a civilization that has been gone for 200 years. There are not very many people in the wasteland who would have direct knowledge that they are special, or even care. To almost everyone, the tri-fold flag is just cloth for use in making bedspreads. The Sole Survivor knows better and the player can opt to treat them with whatever respect is desired.
If the flags have meaning to you, by all means seek them out, collect them, and preserve them. Make a memorial to the fallen soldiers of 200 years ago out of them. Post pictures.
That's how I see it pretty much but as a Canadian I don't want to intervene too much on this issue. At the same time I guess I should be upset that the fictional U.S. annexed the fictional Canada in 2067.
You even see a fictional Canadian soldier executed in the game video:
But somehow, I just don't care, since, well, it's a fantasy universe...
That's a trailer for the first Fallout? Someday, I'm going to have to play that... I started with Fallout 3 and went to FONV, and now FO4.
Anyway, that's a scene I find hard to get past. It's difficult though to make a comment (or at least the ones I would make) without getting into some areas that violate the forum rules. At any rate, I have a difficult time not thinking of the UK, Canada, and Australia (among a few others) as allies, though we often see things differently.
Even though I would never consider the flag junk, this is the post apocalypse where patriotism to a dead country would be non-existent. Most people would haven't a clue about what America is. Such as it is, the flag in this setting is nothing but material that can be used for survival. Now, my character, since they came from the old world, is a patriot and has the flag on their home's wall.
I think this is most accurate. The Soul Survivor would not use it as junk and would most likely not scrap it! I don’t think it was an attempt to be disrespectful but rather it adds to the atmosphere of something lost.
the US is alright for a third world country