Personally I have absolutely zero issues with this. I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for this to get changed.
It is junk though. To everyone in the Fallout universe who have forgotten the old world that destroyed the world. Thus, I find it makes plenty of sense for it to be seen as junk that offer components such as, uh, what was it, wood and cloth?
If you yourself (or your character) find some sort of sentimental value to it, keep it. Don't use it as junk. I found a uniquely named version of it in a certain location and my character kept it because of his backstory.
So.. should you put the flag in the weapon section Or aid perhaps? Just curious!
Or maybe I misread the attempted sarcastic humor!?!
It's junk in that in the post-apocalyptic wasteland where there is no USA it is merely a flag of a bygone civilization that can be used for parts. Now obviously the SS would have some more personal feelings towards it, but it's still the post-apocalyptic wasteland. He's trying to survive and if he needs to use the flag to do so then he'll use it.
It does seem a tad thoughtless of whoever did that, I suppose. Probably never crossed their minds of how that could be interpreted. I'm sure it wasn't intended as any disrespect, though. If you don't intend to use them for their materials, then I recommend you don't pick them up. Just leave them be where you found them, as your own act of respect. Carry on.
Thank you all for your input and I see your points of view. With everyone lately disrespecting the American flag and how blessed we are to live in the USA and those who died to give us just struck a nerve.
Yes and thank you for the info. The flag was in a display case like the ones that given to families of fallen soldiers. Also it was located in your characters house (before the "great war") and we know from the story line at the beginning that your characters father and grandfather were in the military.
I think the sub menu Junk should be renamed Valuables !! Every item that gets slotted there is precious precious resources.
Trifold American Flag is great.. it's a whole sleeping bag and then some!
I come from a military family. I have great-grandfathers who fought on both sides during the Civil War, I have a great uncle buried in the Philippines somewhere during the Spanish American War... When I was a kid, I asked my dad what he did during WWII, and he said he was a cook, and wouldn't say anything else about it. Years later, I learned that he drove a tank on Saipan that had a flamethrower mounted instead of a canon. I have relatives from close a cousins who were in every branch of the military... except Air Force. I don't know how the Air Force escaped, but somebody will get them eventually. Personally, I enlisted in the Navy in 1972, but got a revolving door. They couldn't abide my sleepwalking..
So here's the point. When I saw that Tri-fold American flag for the first time, I had a moment of discontent when I thought about what the American flag had meant to me and my family, the hardships and pain that accompanied it. But then, I realized that's NOT really an American flag inside that case. Fly the "American" flag in the game, and you will see that it is quite different.
Then I it occurred to me that this is an international game, and that many people playing it might not like the USA at all, let alone worry about the flag. In the end, I had to realize that the America of Fallout 4 did not exist... ever, and its flag means nothing more than a Klingon flag in a Star Trek flick does.
While I applaud your sentiments OP, I think it's a case of "Don't sweat it"...
I think it wouldn't take much to get us into a free for all over that kind of stuff, and I think the moderators would not take kindly to that. Just sayin, friend...
i totally agree, they should create an entire section for that one item maybe labeled as American flags or Treasure or Patriotism
people fought and died for that flag, not the country itself just the flag because its that special and perfect, when i see that flag it makes me cry tears of joy
we're all living in america
"Junk" is just the name of the category for items that you scrap for parts. Don't take the terminology used to heart.
Sorry, but no, it doesn't.
The only time a flag is "tri-folded" is during the time in which it's ceremoniously removed from its post. The folded flag is then "guarded" as a representation of the honored fallen, but the fold itself is irrelevant.
I should point out that "trifold" flag displays are novelty and are not represented as official decoration by the Dept. of Defense. Moreso, only one person can accept the burial (casket) flag of the deceased, usually in order of spouse, child, parent. They are never given in display cases (though the recipient may choose to put it in one to keep it protected).
So, in short, they are junk and should be scrapped for the wood (2) and cloth (4) they provide.
You can easily tell this because most families who encase flags also do so with medals and other memorabilia, and the flags in the game lack any of the personal additions.
Even though I would never consider the flag junk, this is the post apocalypse where patriotism to a dead country would be non-existent. Most people would haven't a clue about what America is. Such as it is, the flag in this setting is nothing but material that can be used for survival. Now, my character, since they came from the old world, is a patriot and has the flag on their home's wall.
Plenty of us players don't live in the USA so wouldn't really care about your flag.
If you want to put up a US flag at your settlements it's under decorations.
You can use the materials contained in the junk flag to put up your own, to show your allegiance.
I, personally, put up the Minutemen flag at my settlements.
Funny thing is, its Its a fictional representation of a country that doesn't exist.
And even in-game, once The Enclave fell, it ceased to exist as a nation in any shape or form. Which makes it, quite literally, junk for all intents and purposes.