Soul Cairn Issue

Post » Sat Jun 15, 2013 6:01 am

I have been having a problem trying to find the Mistman tome. I know were it is supposed to be...but it aint there. I think it was there when I first went to that spot (before I started searching the net for the thing) but for whatever STUPID reason I couldn't pick the thing up, It just wouldn't let me interact with it. So I moved on..

Now I have the other 2 summons and would like to complete the set. I'm thinking I should have Fus'd the pedestal when I first found it and I could have grabed it. Coulda, woulda, shoulda...

So my question is... Anyone know if the Soul Cairn will "reset" if I leave for some game days and come back? Or do I just need to deal with the fact that it's no Mistman Tome for me?

I swear this game would try the patience of Job at times...

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Sarah Edmunds
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Post » Sat Jun 15, 2013 10:31 am

The Soul Cairn should reset after 10 days. Whether or not the tome will be available for you to retrieve, I do not know -- you'll have to let me know.

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JeSsy ArEllano
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Post » Sat Jun 15, 2013 8:17 am

There is a glitch with at least one of the spell tomes in the Soul Cairn where they get stuck in the pedestal and can't be picked up. Check around the base of the pedestal as sometimes a corner can be poking out of the pedestal that can be activated.

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Eibe Novy
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Post » Sat Jun 15, 2013 8:37 am

Ive been running around the area of the pedistal looking every place I could fathom it being for about 45 mins now with no luck. Ive been trying to "Fus" it out of the terrain if it happens to be stuck as well, with no luck.

svcks that I had already rotated through all my saves, so eating progress with a reload is not an option.

I do have the Wrathman Tome which is by far the best anyways, so it's not a deal breaker. It just miffs the hell out of my OCD side that I won't have the set...

O well, i'll just have to come back after I pass some time away from this gods-forsaken place and hope for the best that it'll be there.

Thanks for the quick responses guys. appreciate it.

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vicki kitterman
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Post » Sat Jun 15, 2013 3:53 pm

Yes it resets - if you come back later, all three books will be there again (and you can say hello to Jiub).

(BTW did you find all his pages, and get the locket?)

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Sammie LM
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Post » Sat Jun 15, 2013 5:39 pm

Awesome to know I can come back for the tome later. Thanks for the info dude.

I got 7/10 of the pages. I have to come back later because if I don't get rid of Serana RIGHT FRIGGIN now I'm gona throw my controler through my TV. I'm a real laid back dude too.

Having her say the same thing over and over and over and over and over again is straight up sadistic dude. I want to kill her...

On a side note... I Didn't know that I would be able to summon Durnehviir after I "killed" him so I hit him with Marked for Death cause I figured "what the hell he is a one time only fight." WHOOPSIE DAISIES!

I know MFD is borked to all hell...but I cant seem to find solid info on if it is permanent for summons...
Anyone know? If so I can replay the battle.

God almighty I've never loved a game that svcked so bad!

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Post » Sat Jun 15, 2013 2:46 am

I never admitted this before... but one time she [censored] me off so bad that I attacked her. I wanted to kill her.
Actually (as I recall) she moved in front of my bow, just as I shot - and took a Daedric arrow in the back of the head. :shrug:
Which just about killed her, and I was so angry I figured I'd finish her off...
Big mistake.
She killed me dead. (Quickly too.)
My own fault, heheh... since it was me who dressed her all in double-enchanted Light Dragon armor, with double-enchanted rings, amulet, circlet etc. :tongue:
She was pretty indestructible. Did me with Ghostblade!
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Jon O
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Post » Sat Jun 15, 2013 9:47 am

Ha! Thats great stuff man. I realy don't mind her fighting style, the way she looks, the spells she uses, or even her VO.

But Saying the same thing EVERY 5.5 SECONDS is enough to drive me nuts...I'ts probly why I never had kids lol.

Not realy her fault I guess. Just ever more sloppy, sloppy, sloppy work by the devs.

Skyrim, the greatest game that ever svcked.

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Post » Sat Jun 15, 2013 8:16 am

And WAY off topic I know. But She is all lovy dovy "I miss my sweet momy" and all that rot.

She AND her family were devout worshipers of MOLAG BAL. whose portfolio is basicly nothing else but the subjugation and enslavement of mortals AND their souls.

Truly laughable! Thats some great fantasy writing there guys! keep up the steller work!

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