A scream of pain filled Geilir's ears as he stepped outside his home. "That's Mom!" Runa screamed. He turned around to see where he had spent his life so far burning. He froze in place, feeling that time had been slowed down as he watched his house be burned to the ground. He felt Runa's hand grab his arm. "Come on!" Runa told him. They sprinted over to the small shack where the scream had come from. Tears filled Geilir's eyes as he saw his Mother's arm sticking out from the rubble that was once a tool shed. The shed had collapsed on her as she tried to get a bucket, to fill with water and fight the flames.
"Mother!" The word struggled its way out of Geilir's mouth, he felt as if he was choking. He always thought of himself as tough, and even as the young boy he is, he hated to let others to see him cry. But this time, he let the tears roll down his cheeks. He looked over to his sister, she was crying, this is the first time he ever saw her with any sort of weakness.
"We have to help." Runa said. "I want you to stay close, but stay back from the fire, ok?" Geilir nodded, with a blank, devastated stare. He could not find the ability to use words. He followed his sister as she ran off to find a bucket. Suddenly the dancing flames whipped up and hit Geilir, he screamed in pain.
Geilir woke up, and gently felt the scars across his chest that the burns had left on him. He had been training with Arlowe for three years now, and he was a year away from manhood. He stepped outside his tent; the sun had not risen yet. Arlowe was sitting by the fire, deep in thought. "My god, do you ever sleep you old bat?" Geilir said to Arlowe jokingly.
Arlowe let out a hearty chuckle. "I need some time to think of new ways to torture you!" Geilir laughed at the joke and Arlowe laughed along. "Speaking of your torture, we might as well get started. I want you to swim seven laps in the lake, take four laps around the hills, then carry your boulder up the big hill, and I will be waiting atop the hill with your sword training." Geilir nodded; relieved he wasn't getting creative today.
Geilir took off sprinting to the lake; he was much faster now than he'd imagined he'd ever be. He made it to the lake in a matter of seconds. He was no swimmer, so jumped into the water, making a huge splash.
OUCH! He began awkwardly moving his arms in a circle like he was supposed to, but not quite doing it right. He also kicks his feet up and down to propel himself through the water but again, not quite doing it right. The first lap was easy, and he enjoyed the refreshing summertime water. The second lap was more intense for him, and became more work than play at the end. By the end of his third lap, all he could do was wait for himself to finish. Each stroke he took the lake became larger and larger. He kick he took ripped up his legs into small pieces. When he made it to that final lap, he watched himself begin to swim harder. His lungs leaped with joy, knowing that they soon would be done swimming. He reached the end of lake, and crawled out of the water like it was tar. He didn't even bother standing or getting comfortable. The only thing he could feel was his heart, pounding through his chest. He wanted to fall asleep, and never wake back up. "Get moving!" Arlowe yelled.
Geilir slowly got up, aching all over. Every single one of his joints were screaming. They were yelling at him,
don't be stupid! Why are you doing this? He answered them,
to be better. He ran as fast as his body would let him. He made it over to the familiar chain of hills, already in pain he started up the first hill. He felt like he was going to fall apart. The number of times he fell was too high to count, he became familiar with wet grass and mud in his face. Aside from the pain that came with falling, it was a moment to catch his breath, which at this point that was more valuable than all of the gold in the world. He thanked every god he could think of, then he thanked every daedra, that he would only be running four laps, and he had already finished two. He could barely feel his legs at this point, but the pain was still present. He had to svck it up and be a man for these final two laps. In what seemed like two decades, he finished running.
He ran, as fast as he possibly could, over to the base of the hill. He looked over to his boulder that he carried. He normally carried one that was a bit bigger than his head, but no, not today. This boulder was twice, maybe three times that.
Old bastard swapped rocks! Geilir squatted down and wrapped his arm around the rock. Using his knees, he stood up slowly, grunting louder than Minotaur's roar. He then slowly moved his arms under the rock, being careful so he would not drop it. It was the heaviest thing he had ever carried. He turned toward the hill and began to walk. His feet barely left the ground, he was almost shuffling. He made his way up the hill, one slow and excruciatingly painful step at a time. In a matter of minutes, he was collapsed on top of the hill. Lying at Arlowe's feet, his chest moving up and down with every exhausted breathe he took. Arlowe had already set up a fire, he had a venison and potato stew cooking. Geilir was hungry enough to eat all of Nirn. Smelling that soup was complete torture for Geilir, for he did not have the strength to get up and eat it. Geilir rested there for an hour before he sat up, in silence Arlowe handed him a bowl filled with the steaming hot stew. Geilir took a hand and scooped the soup into his mouth like an animal, taking the bowl and drinking from it like a cup. Arlowe laughed at Geilir behavior. Arlowe slowly handed Geilir a pitcher of water. Geilir made quick work of it, gulping the whole thing in the blink of an eye.
"You act like you haven't eaten in years!" Arlowe teased, with a chuckle.
"I sure as hell feel like it." Geilir responded followed by a hearty laugh.
"Are you ready for blade training?" Arlowe asked rhetorically. Geilir nodded, as he held out his hand for his training sword. An unfamiliar texture met his hand. It was not the smooth wood that he had recognized. It was cold, hard, and metal.
"Live swords?" Geilir inquired.
"You won't be able to hurt me with yours, and I'm in more than enough control of my blade to stop myself from mutilating you. You need the experience with a real blade." Arlowe answered back. Geilir nodded, not looking up from his blade. He loved how a well crafted sword felt in his hand. They both stood up, they both took a combat stance. "You've got the first move." Arlowe said. Geilir swung his sword, trusting Arlowe he did not go gently. The swords clanged as they met, Arlowe took a short step back and lunged forward. The swords again clanged against each other. Geilir swung his blade again, but with no avail. In one swift movement, Arlowe dodged it, and Geilir found the flat end of Arlowe's blade against his face. With no words, they both returned to their ready stances. "Your getting better." Arlowe complemented him.
"I know." Was Geilir's response, the intensity not leaving his expression for a second.
Better I hope

Feedback is appreciated.
The next part is when the whole Umbra thing really begins...