Plants are living beings but do not have a nervous system. Show me evidence where this has been scientifically proven, Niza, the nervous system part. Plants contain living energy, but they're not the same as animals.
They react to stimuli, but cannot possibly feel pain. And like I said earlier, many plants are designed specifically to be eaten. If nobody ate these sorts of plants, it would actually be bad for them as species because they would not be able to spread and grow and thrive elsewhere
How do you know? You are not a plant yourself. If they feel pain, they cannot tell you, but you can see their reaction and changes. If you plant a flower, but you don't give it water and whatever it need to live, you can see it suffering, its petal will fall, its leaf turn to brownish, and so on...the plant suffer, but it can't tell you verbally.
You and some scientists believe the thing that have brain and nervous system are possible to feel pain, but science is limited. Our life is beyond what the scientists say. And most scientists are just assume things. Today they say this, tomorrow they say other. Today they say cellphone have no proof leading to brain cancer, tomorrow they say cellphone lead to brain cancer.
if you say plants are specifically made/created to be eaten, what the difference with human? Animals such as lions and tigers can say human are specifically made to be eaten. A virus say human are their food. Everything can be eaten in fact, only that you want to eat, or not to eat, that is the question.
What important is balance, that is what we all seek and should do, the balance in life, we are not extremists and don't become extremists. Vegetarians are extremists, and there are many extremists out there but they deny it. to love extremely also extremism, to hate extremely is also extremism.
As a human, it is our nature to eat animals and plants, but to balance it, that is the issue. Like i said before, in my religion perspective, to kill animal for food (and for any good use) is allowed, but to kill animal for nothing and abuse (anything that is for wrong purpose, wrongly doing it and wrong reason) is "haram" (not allowed, wrong and sinned). And there are ways to kill the animal, not just killing it.
Anyway, in this Soul Trap issue, using similar device, i can say Soul Trap is wrong, kill people or any living being to steal their soul to recharge your items and make yourself powerful, that is selfish, revengeful and abusive. We must respect even to our enemy. We must respect even to prisoner. We do not piss on our dead enemy like US Marine did...(you guys know what i mean)
I know I'm bringing up a lot of topics people don't wanna hear and strongly disagree with, by the way. We're all mature advlts (or mature kids possibly), but for the sake of the forums, I'm cutting out here before a flame-war erupts.
I agree with you, i should stop before i babling in non-related topic.