on ebay there are tons of sellers selling this thing called Fallout Collection -Fallout 1 + Fallout 2 + Tactics. There cheap but the thing is
are they the games ore are they the cometary about the games.
can they work on a laptop?
I know fallout 1 and 2 are turn based and wont mind (although I dis like turn base but if the game has a good story ill stick with it) but what sort of game is tactics? what would you compare it to?
Maybe try GOG.com
They have all three, and you can try one, then try another ~or not.
Tactics is a 'party based' mission game, you are in the Brotherhood, and you do combat missions for them. :shrug: You make more than one PC.
The turn based combat in Tactics is IMO greatly improved over Fallout's... It also has a realtime option; I've not tried it realtime for more than a few minutes, but I hear (from others) that its almost unplayable. (I don't know).
If you play Fallout, it is old, and has limits, but don't underestimate it. I see game videos of players walking right past things they never realize are there or are even possible. Examine stuff, and look close at everything. I have found stuff that I still don't know what its for (if anything). There is even a concealed door in the Hub that opens up a wall to reveal the back side of an abandoned building (that you could easily walk around

Fallout imposes harsh limits on the PC when they are not skilled at things, and the game makes it impossible to be skilled at everything, so if your PC is always failing it is because they are not suited to the task (this might be changeable later, but not always). Fallout usually has three paths to every quest, so if your PC can't do it one way, they can probably do it some other way.