Souls and Enchantments

Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 12:19 am

I was thinking on this today, and was curious of everyone else's opinions. Morrowind handled souls with a value that was unique to almost all creatures, with things like god-creatures (Dagoth and the Tribunal Gods) and Daedric humanoids being of extreme value, wheras Oblivion's system was more straightforward and simple with a set tier level for different creatures. You couldn't capture NPC souls in Morrowind like you could in Oblivion, but Oblivion's was mostly pointless unless you got Black Soul Gems at lower levels and grabbed a Grand soul off a random bandit or something before Grand soul creatures started spawning for you.

Likewise, Oblivion's system was more straight-cut in regard to enchanting items than Morrowind, with wearables having Constant Effect enchantments and weapons having On Strike. Morrowind allowed for the creation of 'Cast When Used' armor and weapons, as well as consumable spell items from misc stuff, but Constant Effect was much harder to obtain in any form.

I'm going to hazard a guess that Morrowind's the fan-favored on both fronts, but there's always room for improvement. With Enchant making its triumphant return as a skill, how do we all want Enchant and the systems involving it to work?

I think I'll withhold my own ideas for the moment out of curiosity for what the community thinks. I'll post in here later.
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 12:06 pm
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lillian luna
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 2:57 am

I like the unique soul values. Tiered ones just made no sense. A bandits soul shouldn't be equal to that of a Dremora.
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 2:46 pm

I like the unique soul values. Tiered ones just made no sense. A bandits soul shouldn't be equal to that of a Dremora.

That came from the facts that:

A) NPCs were simply set at the highest level creature soul instead of being given a logical 'Black' soul tier that was better than Grand, and..

B) ..that Dremora, Golden Saints and Dark Seducers were all classed as NPCs due to Oblivion's engine (to my knowledge) not being set up like Morrowind's to have speaking creatures.

Which svcked, in my opinion. Obviously there was no issue with Morrowind's 'speaking creatures' thing. And I (if I recall correctly) Morrowind NPCs did have soul values, but they were done so that they so far exceeded the max capacity of a Grand Gem/Azura's Star that it'd simply tell you you didn't have a big enough soul gem.

I do hope I'll be able to soulcap those Daedra, as well as have them be.. different; a Dremora should not be worth the same as a Golden Saint. Likewise, if NPC-soulcapping is in somehow, I hope it adjusts the soul value with some formula that takes into account its skill levels and (at the very least) overall level to calculate the exact value. Otherwise, a beggar would be worth the same as, say, Umbra (assuming that returns).
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