No sound issue (not the G35)

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:15 am

Hi Guys, please help me out. I've had this problem for a whiel now and i Dont know why.

Whether its 3 hours ingame or 5 minutes game, its random but when it happens, my sound goes out, even when i quit the game. It's like my sound driver's been disabled permenantly by the game. I have to restart my PC to have sound again.

And this happens alongside aswell, YOUTUBE starts playing video's at HALF THE SPEED LITERALLY. 1 second of the vid starts taking 2 seconds. Again, this youtube thing only happens when the sound blows out. But upon restart, all is good. Strange eh?

ASUS Ramapge II Extreme
5870 CF
X Fi Titanium Pro
i7 930 @ 2.8
6GB@ 1600 DDR3
Any help appreciated
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Verity Hurding
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:26 pm

That is very strange... Have you tried uninstalling both the sound card driver and video card driver (ur vid card does hdmi sound as well right?)? Im not sure if this will work because ive never heard of this happening but its worth a try. Use a driver sweeper or something to make sure all files are clear. 1st reinstall vid driver, reboot, then sound card driver. Maybe something got jacked up during initial install.
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