It loaded well, Steam automatically updated with the patch.
I double clicked, it loaded and I watched the opening screens in what seemed like glorious High Def. However, there was no sound.
This was concerning, especially as I had been looking forward to having one David Yip as my characters voice. So, ALT-Tabing out of the game I went about checking everything.
I checked the drivers, the mic/speaker settings, made sure the laptop wasn;t muted.
I then downloaded some more drivers, just to make sure, and installed them, and still no sound.
I was FURIOUS!. All this time, all this hope that the error posts were purely fictitious. I searched the forums here, I searched the forums at Bethesda, I search the Steam forums for errors and started checking various things out. Nothing, Nothing helped.
Just as I was about to RAGE in the office to colleagues......some one pointed out that I had the conference room monitor on MUTE, and as it was HDMI the sound was automatically transfered there

Moral of the Storey- Check even the simplest things so you don't stand there looking like a 'tard and then post complaints