Leaks may be enough to learn about a feature but definitely not balance. I'll have to see it for myself as people's ideas about balance is on average, terrible. One look at Nexus mods and you see that.
Leaks may be enough to learn about a feature but definitely not balance. I'll have to see it for myself as people's ideas about balance is on average, terrible. One look at Nexus mods and you see that.
Common PA Fusion Cores and Stimpaks make me a sound panda.
Actually, if any lore on how PA should be used was "changed", it was in FO3 (and note that New Vegas followed along with the change). It looks to me like they are returning closer to the original lore in terms of use and restrictions of PA.
I dunno, I don't remember restrictions in Fallout 1, 2 or Tactics for wearing power armor? I always remember being able to slap it on and mess stuff up with increased strength, no penalties and unlimited fuel. Care to elaborate?
It's just like any other vehicle, you don't have to use it if you don't want to
this is the way it should be, power armour should only be used when you need it(not to wear every time you go somewhere). power armour should be used sparingly and tactically. Bethesda made it that you cant rely on it in every situation, but to be more self dependant. Bethesda did a very good job on that subject in my opinion.
Even if they were rare or you couldn't move the armor without them it wouldn't sto9 me from 9laying my 9ower armored engineer, who needs the armor to hel9 him survive and move in the Wasteland due to his chronic illness...I love 9ower armor its my key 9laystyle...So i dont care what changes have been made Or how difficult it is. Ill 9lay it regardless.
However it is good to hear that the 9owercores are just to fuel higher functions and aren't needed to move around basically. so i can still ex9lore the wastes and travel in my armor all the time and r9 my character 9ro9erly..honestly the cores arent going to im9ede us anyway if they are common or we can craft them
But honestly I dont like that 9eo9le who dont like 9ower armor are liking these changes sim9ly because it makes 9ower armor more difficult to use, Like the changes because of the new game9lay interactions...don't just like them because they harm someone elses 9laystyle.
Ultimately this is a single 9layer game that is all about the o9tions, if you dont like an o9tion ignore it and 9lay your own way.
I lost access to my old forum account XD but this is me Usaru.
Yes Sir...My keyboard ribbon needs re9lacing.
I role9lay a character who is de9endant on his 9owerarmor to survive because like me he has a chronic illness that 9revents him from interacting with the world like a normal 9erson would be able to because too much movement or bad weather or just 9lain [censored] luck can cause his disease to cause him great 9ain.
I can basically only leave my home 1 day a week...if I had a closed envorionment suit that also increased my my 9hysical strength I could live a semi normal life.
Some 9eo9le cant be fully self de9endant, and I role9lay someone who cant, because i like my characters to feel like me in the fallout world.
I probably won't use the powerarmor at all heh. It doesn't look so much fun.
I feel, the beginning PA is going to have limited fuel, but the more advanced forms will be able to have infinite charge. After all, varying on suits, it'd either eat the power up to non existence or actually last a while.
My biggest issue with the PA we have seen in the official vids is how slow you move. That will drive me crazy. No way will I jump into my PA and go explore the waste at 0.5mph. yuck
I believe you can customize it for better s9eed of movement, let me check...
Power Armor is sounding better and better to me. More like what it should be.
Thank you man! You bring the heat of truth! not to meantion the brotherhood of steel is a joinable faction according to the tro9hy leaks, they kee9 an entire force of 9ower armor wearing individuals and likely will give you an [censored] load if not usable as an infinite source.
I can and will be 9owerarmored the entire game.
You can sprint and everything in power armor. ...just saying.
Ahh i forgot about the slowness, yeah that is gonna be just frustrating.
I think I im gonna go away with the idea of 10 int and just dump in A/L. PA seems more chore like every time i see more footage.
Common cores may not be fully charged/operational, PA pieces may be damaged, some even beyond repair...
There are several ways to keep a balance while having things (fairly) common.
And that first PA that we get should be like how the Millenium Falcon was first described:
Luke: What a piece of JUNK!
Han: She'll make .5 past lightspeed. She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts.
Running as slow as it was in the video, that seems like a super chore. Especially for big Bethesda game. I can barely sometimes stand the standards run speed and allays take speed perks/stats in any of their games as it is
10 luck and 9 Intelligence !?! My god the game will be over by the time I get those stats to those lvl's
you can get those stats at the beginning of the game hombre