So it sounds like Power-Armor will be a pain to use:

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:07 am

What? You start with over 20 points to place in SPECIAL, just start with 10 Luck and 9 Intelligence, and place the rest into Charisma (for the Lone Wanderer 15% Damage Resistance). Bam, you're now tanky, can carry a ton, level up fast, can find a ton of fusion cores off of enemies and containers, and can be in Power Armor longer than usual. After that, just put points into Perception and Endurance for Lockpicking and for the Toughness perk. Done. You won the entire game, and it only took what...10-13 levels? Maybe 15?

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Milad Hajipour
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:20 pm

You have 21 9oints to start with, my build at lvl 1 will be.. 1O Str. 1 9er. 5 End. 1 Cha. 9 Int. 1 Agi. 1.Luc

im going to see if i can make it with 1 luck to start...i consider myself unlucky to have been born the way i am lol.

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Nany Smith
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:41 pm

Sounds quite a lot like New Vegas. If you go in with a specific plan to acquire items and perks, you can get yourself chance's knife at level 1 and take cowboy and grunt while starting with a 10 in luck and Built To Destroy you will be able to dish out both high damage base attacks and massive critical damage that destroys everything else in the game. Doing intense training to boost up perception to get the better criticals perk will leave you at a low level compared to the 50 level cap, and the only thing you have to worry about ist he economy for healing items which is very easy with stimpaks and sunset sarsaparilla being everywhere.

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Naomi Ward
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:50 pm

Meh, I'd rather just use 10+ levels of points elsewhere (A/E) than trying to make PA slightly less of a chore. The run speed is still going to be an abomination.

I think the picture/idea is we aren't really supposed to use it all the time, regardless.

I guess this is okay, PA was a bit OP right? But now won't everyone just use the best Combat Armor? Or will lighter/heavier armors have different effects and advantage?

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Heather Stewart
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:23 pm

You missed my point. How is it a chore walking around when you already have a giant stockpile of Cores in your inventory? You'd probably need a Luck of 1 to not even see many Power Cores to prevent long-usage of Power Armor.

Bit OP is an understatement, you can grab one in the beginning of the game and have a large pile of power cores to use, and after using the planner, you can do all of this at level 15, which is incredibly early level to break the game.

so in other words: Everyone, if they follow this, will never have to touch any other armor. It's just Power Armor 24/7, until this gets patched, that is. I think they should've placed Toughness higher up in the Endurance tree, because I find it silly you can get 80% DR at such an early level.

as for the running, eh, it took someone 11 minutes to get from one corner to the next, so I'd say it's okay at least. Probably just use the rest of the points into Endurance, Perception, and some Agility.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:46 am

Is it confirmed that the 40 power cores we saw in the leaked footage to be 40 full charges? It could be using energy weapon rules, where it may say we have 24 MF Cells inside our inventory but its only represented as 24 shots being pumped out from a single cell on the art. That 40 power cores could be a 40% charge. It'd be hilariously broken if it wasn't.

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Jessica Nash
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:23 pm

The run speed in PA I meant. It looks way too slow for me to play in it all the time, even if cores were as common as you say which I still doubt outside of PA related quests areas/rewards.

It's just not going to be like the other games, regardless. I HOPE it is not REQUIRED for certain events/quests outside of that early one.

I don't want this to be Fallout's Bat Mobile of Arkham Knight. :brokencomputer: What a painful disaster.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:02 am

I have to wonder which stream your looking at, in the field it looks like power armor is as much of a chore as modding and reloading a rifle in NewVegas.

Now if you are one of those people who use infinite ammo mods I can see why you think Maintaining pa is being a chore, In that case please cancel your order now, by the time those come out you can probably get the complete game for the price we are paying now for the base game.

Basically if what I was seeing was a result of him having a power armor build.... Why is that any diferent from having a stealth sniper, or barroom brawler, or James Bond, or cowboy rancher, or survivalist hunter, or any other freaking build?
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Aliish Sheldonn
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:51 am

Is it just me or... umm.. What?

I'm not seeing the connection between any of those things, or where you're going with this.

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helen buchan
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:28 pm

I think what he's saying is that a build with SPECIAL points allocated elsewhere will be just as effective for "breaking the game".

You don't have to have PA to be successful, you just need to be able to find ways to have your SPECIAL's/perks work together.

There will probably be some situations where PA will be useful, but it doesn't mean you have to have it to get through them.
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:45 am

Seriously you don't know what a [post='Character build '][/post] or playstyle is?

A PA build is one that focuses on maxing out your ability with power armor,

a Stealth sniper build is designed around the perks related to sneak and Long range sniper weapons.

A James bond would be someone who focuses on Charisma, Small guns(preferably all silenced,(one hander and sniper rifle) Gender killer, and small guns. (and things like sandman)

Heavy weapons builds include things like the Glass cannon (Heavy weapons + sneek and/or Inteligence builds) Tank (Heavy weapon + Armor and Endurance focused) or raw DPS

Cowboy/rancher = Shotguns Rifles and whatever survival skills

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Louise Dennis
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:48 pm

Your comparisons to how that pertains to fueling/recharging, and generally trying to make sure you can keep power armour permanently, and how much of a chore that is in relation to other builds are what have me confused.

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sam smith
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:50 pm

"SPOILER" you can run in the power armor, and go into buildings with it.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:52 pm

Ok its simple,

Fallout new Vegas,

if you wanted the most options on ammo/equipment for your build or play style, some of those required you to get the related skills/perks for top end crafted ammo, or to maximize the ammount of ammo you got.

If you were chewing through a specific "Rare" ammo for your play-through, again there was a perk for that which made finding more ammo of the type you needed fairly trivial

here you have a perk that basically makes that canister of Fusion fuel last longer and makes a bomb out of it.

theres another perk (Pain train) that is specifically for Power armor.

Luck and or Scrounger may give you even more power cells, given that you can now weaponsise them with an Int perk while reduceing fuel consumption.

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Danny Blight
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:40 am

This has been my 9oint the whole time !!! Everyone's 9laystyle is different! I think Bethesdas 9oint in the 9ower armor changes was to make 1OO% of the time in 9ower armor its own build that takes as much time and effort as any other build,every build requires some effort just in different directions.

A 9ower armor character will have to build u9 9ower armor related 9erks and find cores and kee9 their armor maintained\customized to taste and also deal with a lower base move s9eed, a sni9er will have to invest in sneaking skill and other related 9erks and find good stealth based medium or light armors and armor layers and build the 9erfect gun for themselves, a brawler will invest in good melee wea9ons etc.

Everyone is too consumed with whats quote unquote BEST! Whats truly the BEST is the way you are most comfortable 9laying, if you truly want to use 9ower armor you will 9ut forth the effort, if you want to be james bond you will 9ut forth the effort, if you want to be a sni9er you will 9ut forth the effort. You will do what what works best for you! The BEST\Broken thing is just a matter of effort and 9ersonal 9ers9ective.

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