1.fusion cores to keep it running check console commands will help if i get into tight spot
2.having walk everywhere check more time mow down enemies of the emperor.... i...mean wasteland scum
1.fusion cores to keep it running check console commands will help if i get into tight spot
2.having walk everywhere check more time mow down enemies of the emperor.... i...mean wasteland scum
I hope the armor will make the player feel badass when dealing with a crowd of people/creatures,
and when exploring and dealing with small groups it will be more efficient to use regular armor/outfits.
I believe that power armor in fallout 4 is going to make you feel like you are wearing something powerful and tanky
that makes you a bullet eating sponge!
Seriously, I find it hard to believe that Bethesda made a fallout game where power armor svcks
I would have like that left to the players play-style and build.
I do understand it was too OP in the other games, where every build pretty much had it bis (best in slot).....but they could have made very high end/str perks and other stuff allow for more stream lined PA use for those who want to invest in that play style and not be hindered as far as game-play annoyances are concerned.
The way I see it, they finally made it so that the power armor operates the way it should have; I feel that for whatever reason they didn't do it right in Fallout 3 (perhaps technical limitations), and obviously NV used those same mechanics and didn't make any big changes.
I said in another thread that the way Bethesda caters to "the wider audience" results in the removal of challenge and obstacles from their games.
Specifically, the maintenance of weapons that proved too much for the COD crowd would effect power armor by the next Fallout game.
TES 6 & Fallout 5: Press X to win
I wonder if we can craft a power supply if we have a high enough science skill.
I'm sure there'll be a way to travel long distances quickly with Power Armour should you desire.
What kind of idiocy is it to completely lock out fast travel when you're wearing a suit if armour that (apparently) makes you slower, can't be stored in inventory, and (possibly) runs on fuel/energy.
I've always looked at fast travel as my character walking that distance, but me not having to do it manually. To just not be able to do that in Power armour makes no sense.
I have my doubts that they'd gimp the fun of using power armour so much.
Out of curiosity, because I'd like to confirm the info my self, are these from the leaks? --Obviously don't post a link or even mention anything aside from yay or nay.
I plan on using it only for main quest missions, and even then probably not most of them.
Think of it like owning a tank. Just because you have one doesn't mean you need to use it to pick up hamburgers.
look no further than fallout 3/new vegas it svcks completely esp in new vegas were Ncr combat armour is about best you can wear since diminishing returns apply realy fast for anything more protective ,to the point makeing like AMR take 1.6 bullets to kill you instead of 1.2 in Ncr combat armour.(numbers are not completely actual) at end of the day it take 2 bullets to kill you.
or in skyrim terms you in daedric plate im in dwarf plate both being attacked buy the same weapon and still being basically still cut in half with two 2hand power attacks even with in terms of stats massive difference in power level.
i can't wait for fallout 4 power armour it might Be useful!!!!!
Am i the only one who actully like this change in F4 ?
PA should be used for last resort situations otherwise it might make the game too easy...
I think people are being overly dramatic as everything I have seen is an improvement to what actual power armor is in the Fallout universe. Yes they are like a small Abrams Tank. No they handle excellently and it seems like a locomotive power house when sprinting in it. Take that as you will.
I'm not a PA user myself, so this is good news to me. It should be exceptional and hard to come by, so I'd definitely prefer if it was a pain in the buttocks to maintain and use. It is meant for high tech military, after all. Not some wasteland wanderer with a garage.
No you're not. From what I've seen/heard so far, I like the changes. I've never been a fan of Power Armor in the past but this time around I am kind of interested in using it.
Pros: A Bethesda Fallout will finally have PA as the "one-man brigade"
Cons: Tedium, retcon
There are several questions that will determine if this change is for better or worse:
1- Are the fusion cores respawning vendor items?
2- How does the armor calculation work exactly? (an easily reachable cap like Skyrim will make PA obsolete)
3- Are there other methods of 'swift journeys' other than fast travel, like vertibirds?
If answers to 1 & 3 are yes and you need PA to reach damage reduction cap, then it'll be a change for the better. However if you can maximize defenses without it, it'll be a terrible change that will kill off PA. I hope they didn't cater to people who want to run around with max defenses in cloth & leather.
I'm pretty certain that Power Armor doesn't use the normal armor calculation - instead, the armor pieces have health that must be drained prior to the character actually being hurt at all.
And yes, vertibirds are a thing you can use to travel around - that's been confirmed since e3.
It almost makes up for removing item degredation......almost. In the two previous games power armor was literally just another suit with slightly better stats. One of the must have mods on my list on every game was Power Armor Soundified which at least added some audio to make it seem more "power armorish". I am glad that it requires fusion cores and you can't just use it forever and ever and ever. I am also glad that they made it slow because lets face it, if you can run and sneak AND take lots of more damage then why would you use anything else? If I want to sneak around and scout an area first then I am glad that PA is not going to be able to do that very well.
So the have to search for them and they run out fast?Honestly haven' realyl paid attention to that.