Thanks for the replies. Unfortunately, for a meriad of reasons, I play on ps3 not PC so that route is out of the question. I don't think it's a copyright thing because she did the song for Bethesda (I think as the song is not on any of her albums that I'm aware of). As for the youtube route, I have no idea if that works, how to do it, or if I would be able to keep the quality.
So did Bethesda not release a soundtrack album?
Download 'Youtube Downloader' and just copy (or it actually copies the URL automaticly by itself) the URL onto the program, set a folder for the convertion and select output.
First, the youtube video gets downloaded, takes about 3 minutes depending on the video (a blank video just containing the song takes <1 minut) then press the other option (convertion) and it converts the mp4 video to mp3 music files

The whole operation takes less than four minutes or so.
And the quality is good, you can choose the quality each time you press Convert.
Hope it helps, and I have downloaded all the tracks, from Bongo bongo bongo he dont wanna leave the Congo, to Big Iron and Johnny Guitar.