First off as a SouthPark very impressed with the quality of this game. I actually feel like im exploring south park town in this game. Has a...mmmm guess i could describ it is is take a very good south park episode amd combine it with earthbound the game.
Im digging yhe story, the humor, the immersion, gah its hard to explain. It does alot of the "meat" very well imho.
This is by no means a "complex" rpg so if ur only wanting that i would say ud be disappointed.
I can go on amd on about what i think is fantastic about the game but alas no game is perfect.
The thing i dont like about the game is yhe button mashing. Thankfully this doesnt happen alot or for me hardly but it is there. Granted if u want a cknstant supply of a certain object as a weapon u woukd constantly ne butyon mashing but its there when ya need to learn ur "farts" but really only then as using them in combat will work well even if u mess up. Theres a few places in the quest where u have to do so. But thankfully for me it wasnt anything that ruined the game or my experience on it.
Sk there ya have it, what about you? Please no spoilers fkr everyone including me since i am jumping back on yhe game lol.