I have not seen this info over here, and now I have some time to translate it. There is no new info, but I think it says interesting things about the game.
Note: Consider that I have only translated the info. I know we already know many things. Also, as I′m not native english speaker you could find some mistakes.
Here is the original article: http://www.meristation.com/v3/des_articulo.php?pic=GEN&id=cw4e1738ff92e0d&idj=&idp=&tipo=art&c=1&pos=7
NOTE 2 : I want to say personally that I defend myself in english. The translation is okay, I haven′t invented or changed anything, when I say that I′m not english I mean that gramatical errors can be found on my translations.
The article says what I have translated. Is the article wrong? I don′t know. But the translation is okay.
FROM OBLIVION TO SKYRIM(Translation of the most important parts.)
(...)In Oblivion we had an enormous plateau with spread cities and some little villages and caves, now Skyrim is a changing world, a living world, with five big cities and dozens of cities over the map, with their own economy, living way, legends...The game uses an enormous quantity of data.
(...) Each city or village has its own way of surviving, we can see them producing one or two materials to trade, like wood or steel
(...)Interfering people routines is a so deep change in the game that religions and feelings also matter.
(...)Nothing is pre-scripted in the game, and we could even see one of these villages fight each other due to a misunderstanding, or watching how the houses are burned due to a fire. Of course, the player can "play a role" on these catastrophes.
(...)There are so many jobs, NPCs, behaviors, stories...
(...)We can colect even more ingredients than in Morrowind and Oblivion together. There are five times the flowers we have in Oblivion to colect and to use them for potions.
(...)Radiant Story makes Skyrim different every time we start a new game.
(...)"With Radiant Story we have approach the game to MMO games", says Bethesda
(...)Everything we do matters, if we steal something, if we say something, if we help someone...Everything is remembered by Radiant Story. We can be jeered or acclaimed by the people.
(...)We can see the wind moving the trees and the water. Dinamic grass affected also by the wind. Same with the dust and sand.
(...)Every creature has now smooth animations and behaviors.
(...)A storm could flood a river or change its path. A snowstorm could completely bury trees, block caves′ entrances....
(...)We can see the snow falling and filling the ground slowly.
(...)We cannot melt the snow with fire
(...)There is a shout that allows Dovahkiin to create weather catastrophes.
(...)NPCs also modify the scenery, like cutting down trees.
(...)Every NPC′s remembers and behaves very realistically. We could reach a village and a priest could accuse us of a robbery in another village, because he was a witness.
(...)Explained by bethesda, we can also kill a merchant transporting goods form one city to another one, and when we arrive its destiny we can see all the people talking about the merchant, that has disappeared, and also creating strange legends about this fact. Instead of killing him, we might have steal something from him. People could ask for this stolen object if they knew the merchant.
(...) Creatures and usually enemies could even help the dovahkiin in his adventures, making them very realistic, instead of attacking him always as in previous game.
(...)Each raze will have its own fighting style, based on the strength, weight, culture and some other attributes
(...)Two handed staffs...
(...)Many ways of solving quests.
(...)Essential NPCs for important quests
(...)More than 300 people are involved in Jeremy Soule′s music