i found my old headset and decided that im gonna get back into it, build the atmosphere etc

I know exactly how you feel. Oblivion was MY game! It was the best I've ever played. I spend thousands of hours running around in Cyrodiil and I think I know every nook and cranny! I just dl the GOTY game from Steam and only played for maybe two hours and now it's just sitting there on my hard drive. I guess it's because you LOVE it so much and you remember the wonderful times, but when you load it, it feels a bit stale. Maybe you remember the quests that were a pain in the butt and you sigh inwardly because you know what you must do.
Starting a new character is fun for me, because I like the feeling that you have to rummage in junk piles, just to make a few coins or bottle caps. To kill some bandits or raiders for their gear, so you don't run around in rags. LOL
How do you revive your passion for one of your favorite games that you played to exhaustion? I usually try to set a few objectives for my character. Like head to the Imperial City, join the Thieves Guild etc. Just try to think of your new character of someone who knows NOTHING of the wastelands. And try to RP that.

Right now though, I'm totally hooked on Fallout 3, so Oblivion has to wait a while. LOL