Does anyone try to spare as many falmer as they can when going through dwemer ruins.
I feel sorry for them and dont want to kill any.
I only kill them if they attack me first.
Am I the only one who doesnt like killing them.
My attitude to the falmer is quite similar to my attitude to Imperial soldiers when I kill them. I don't really gloat or laugh, I just put neutralize the threat.
I actually feel quite sorry for the falmer, and I really liked the one snow elf I actually met. He seemed like a friendly guy, and I have a casual respect for the professionalism of the legion, but sometimes you've just got to do what you've got to do. Sometimes it's you or them.
The forsworn are another group I had quite a lot of sympathy for, but ultimately it was one of those "our paths have crossed, and this is just business" type of deals. In a sense, if you're a Nord Stormcloak, you are just cleaning up the mess of previous generations. The reach Bretons probably should've been wiped out or driven into high rock for the security of the territory. By not doing this, they now have a problem in the region.