I am a little worried about spawn camping in this game. I realize that there are indestructable turrets that guard each sides spawn. But what about people that sit just outside of the turrets range? I feel as though having a designated spawn site may cause some issues even with the turrrets being present. I hate people that camp the other sides spawn but I feel as though the spawning in this game might pose a little bit of an issue. Even if there are multiple ways to get out of a spawn it might be difficult to get by a team that has set up just beyond the turrets.
I guess if you get lucky and make it out or kill the spawn campers, it wouldn't be that bad since they would spawn at their end of the map and not near their teamates.
If they continually spawn camp, eventually there will be your whole team at the spawn site. Then like you said once you start killing them, they will have to run back where your waves will start right there. Your team would have to be really bad, and theirs really good in order for this to happen. Plus if they are attackers, they will either lose, or be short on numbers.
well if there just sitting there then your team will be taking the objectives behind them, and you dont have to spawn at your base if a medic revives you, also you spawn in waves so your not gonna be there alone, it could be 4-5 people spawn at once and just kill the few guys sitting there.
I think its going to be hard for people to kill you in your spawn , but i know for a fact that there is going to be people who camp their spawn so they can kill the people who try to rush that side the only thing the people whom are camping their own spawn have to race the turrets to the kill blow on the enemy.
I think the spawn wave mechanic means it's highly unlikely that a team will be able to spawn camp effectively whilst completing objectives as quickly as possible. Various reasons:
- Multiple exits. - Enemies spawn in groups. - Enemies have time to get their bearings before moving out. - Players have generally high health compared to other FPS games, and there are no one-hit kills. (And if the medic(s) stay at the back of the spawn wave as they move out then anyone who goes down can be revived to boot!). - Your team would have had to wipe the enemy in one go first, to be completely focussed on either stacking on the objectives or spawncamping. Then the whole enemy team would spawn as one.
It won't be an issue. SD has put too much thought into it.
The battle field is designed that the action happens away from the spawns, if priple try to spawn camp the will have to run through the main force to get there
A designated spawn area means you know where they're going to be spawn camping just as much as they know where you will spawn.
In a random spawn I am not as prepared to take action as I spawn, when you spawn in your spawn area you know where they have to be waiting if they choose to do so, which gives you the advantage.
the only thing i can think of is that a team ( heavy medic buffed on life ) and that will self res and ( whatever opec buffed on life) rushing in there the ope can throw a emp nade to disable the turret. but maybe im just blowing steam . that mean can help and if its does they will pachet it asap
they could do it like RUSH mode in bad company 2 where the map was enshrouded past a certain point for the defending team, if u stayed in the darkened part of the map for lik e10secs u die. they also did a thing on certain servers if you killed a person too close to their initial spawn area, you kill them and you get insta killed.
Spawn camping is now a thing of the past thanks to Ark-Techs latest achievement The Indestructible Spawn Turrets!...coulda used a better name sure but it does the trick.
blocks spawn campers from base (censored)ing you by being totally immortal and super strong, comes in packs of 4-8 turrets.
Im not too worried about this. Like he said in one of the interviews. This game isnt about kills its about getting objectives done and helping out your team. You want to sit in a corner and spawn camp or just camp in general, youre not going to get as many points as someone who is out there trying to get the objectives done running with their squadmates.
I believe that the deployment locations are placed in tunnels, as you say, these tunnels turn. There is not a way to look into the deployment zone without being in range of a turret.
There will always be the possibility of blocking a spawn as you always have to at some point say "this area is no longer the spawn zone".
They stated in an interview that spawn locations give players invincibility while in that area incase people employed such a tactic of just sitting outside the turrets range with a light rifle camping the exits from a distance.