Simple Place-Centric Augmentative respaWNs
version 0.2
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One fine day, you decide you've had enough of women, crappy face textures and annoying fans, and make plans to do some honest dungeon crawling. A couple of days later, you find yourself at the entrance of Hame. On entering, you spot a battered journal on a step in the stairwell. You take a look at its entries – One particularly intrigues you.
Day 176: I'm going to kill the scum that said it. Mouthing off like that …
Day 213'ish: By Sithis' floppily doppilies ! It gave me a healing potion …
Fine Print
I sincerely hope you haven't experienced such pain and suffering in your game.
In any case, Simple Place-centric Augmentative respaWNs ( or SPAWN ) aims to improve Oblivion's respawn mechanism. As the name suggests, it allows place-centric respawn times for cells of different types. So, aylied ruins and forts can have different respawn times. And the best part is that the mod is completely independent of the global respawn time. SPAWN, therefore, ensures compatibility with mods that change it ( like Less Predictable Respawn ).
SPAWN tracks the cells the player visits and their corresponding "Last Visit Time". After leaving a particular cell, SPAWN records the time and tags it with a respawn timestamp. The list of visited cells is evaluated in intervals; when time passed since the player's last visit is calculated for each cell and compared with the cell's respawn timestamp. If time passed exceeds the timestamp, the cell is reset. Respawn timestamps are calculated randomly when the PC leaves a cell. The range of the timestamp can be defined in the SPAWN INI file. The different cell types that are supported:
- Caves
- Oblivion Caves
- SI Root Caves
- Mines
- Forts
- Aylied Ruins
- Sewers
- Castles
- Oblivion Citadels
- Houses
- Cellars / Basemants
- Player Owned Cells
Cells can have custom respawn times as well ! If you are a mod maker and wish to use a particular respawn time range for one of your cells, all you need to do is place a persistent activator in it. The activator's script should then have the following variables defined and initialized in it:
- sSPAWNRespawnTimeMin
- sSPAWNRespawnTimeMax
Remotely defined (Custom) Respawn Time > Player Owned Cell Respawn Time ( if cell is owned by the player ) > Locally defined Respawn Time
The mod only works with interior cells. Handling for exterior cells is technically not possible.
This mod is, and should be, compatible with all other mods. That includes mods that modify the global respawn time, dynamically or otherwise. Incompatibilities can arise only when using another place-centric respawn mod (though I know of none other than this).
Special thanks to :
- Ian Patterson and Stephen Abel and Paul Connelly (The OBSE Team) – For keeping up the Oblivion Modding spirit and providing the modding community with TES4 Oblivion's Elixir of Immortality
- LHammonds – For his Readme generator
- Tekuromoto – For his Less Predictable Respawns mod that had inspired this one
- crimson.cosmos – Who got me to release this, directly or indirectly
- PacificMorrowind – For his custom respawn time idea
The Folks at the Construction Set Forums – For all their help, rum and fish.
The Rest of the Modding Community – For the inspiration I needed to start modding and all the wonderful mods which I use.
Bethesda – For providing a great game, with enough flaws to keep us busy.
Change Log
- Fixed erroneous variable names in the INI file
- Added a new cell type – Player Owned cells
- Added Revisit override for cells, player owned and otherwise
- Added support for custom respawn times
Lastly, I'm looking for ideas to improve the mod. Any help from that quarter would be much appreciated.