While I got reasonably adept at modding for Oblivion, I have a curiosity some of you more code savvy might know...
Assuming it is GameByro, can we reasonably assume it will still be based around the "nif" file structure? I realize it will likely take tweaking to make things compatible, but will NifSkope still be viable? Or are we going to have to essentially start from scratch and build new exporters for 3DS Max and Blender, and redo NifSkope entirely?
There is nothing definitive. I also think that they
may use a heavily tweaked gamebryo engine, but other people insist that 'new engine' means no gamebryo at all but something completely different made from scratch with different file format etc. Either they will answer this question in an interview in the future or we will have to wait for the game to come out.
If it is indeed a completely new engine then it depends on whether they release their exporter this time or not. If they don't release an exporter it would probably mean a long time without
any new models at all and probably a very long time until you could do all the fancy stuff like animations etc. There wouldn't even be alternatives like the Civ4 exporter for Oblivion.
Which would kill modding Skyrim for me since I'm not willing to wait a year or two after release before I could start modding the game seriously.
So let's hope it's either still nif file format or they release their exporter.