My purpose for this message today is to post some tactics regarding the new Spears mode. A lot of people I've seen play this game mode like Crash Site and that is not going to make you successful in Spears.
There are 3 "capture" points in Spears, each team starts at one side, so one team at Spear A and one team at Spear C.
Spear B by nature is the hardest to capture and control!
Teams win the game by controlling the Spears the longest.
After capturing a Spear, don't be afraid to move on, you do not continue getting XP points for staying on the objective after capturing it. This is where it differs from Crash Site.
The key to winning is to make sure that your team has control of 2 points for a majority of the time, YOU DO NOT NEED ALL 3 CAPTURE POINTS TO WIN THE GAME.