First off, I'd just like to say that I'm no expert, and I'm absolutely positive that Bethesda developers know all about spears, certainly more than I know. In the end we'll all have to respect their decision on the matter of how they want to include or exclude spears from Tamriel. This is after all
their creative product, not ours.
Lets go through the pros and cons of spears.Pros.- You gain a serious amount of reach.
- Spears without hooks will deal less damage but be more reliable in a situation where you are faced with more than one enemy.
- Spears can counter a charging enemy very well if the spear is jammed up to a surface, as to allow the momentum of the enemy to be forced unto the spear.
- A spear lodged into an enemy will be irretrievable but it will slow the foe down, you can imagine how hard it will be to move around with a spear in your body, especially in confined areas.
- The spear could prevent your dead enemy from rolling down a hill with precious loot on his body, if the spear is lodged in him.
- You can put a cloth soaked in pitch, oil or animal fat on the tip of your spear and light it on fire to illuminate dark areas. You can also use it to either burn your enemies or their housing if they are asleep (tent, wooden huts) to send them running out in panic, setting up for a very effective ambush.
- Some spears can be thrown as well as used in melee.
- If a hook-tipped throwing spear is thrown at an enemy and misses the enemy but strikes into the ground the enemy may attempt to dislodge it but may have difficulties doing so due to the hook, you can use this opportunity to sprint up to the enemy and strike at his back.
- Spears can be used as an extension of your body in order to reach places you normally would not for example... Poke a switch that you can't reach. Pluck up a solid object that is out of your reach by sticking it on your spear or catching it with the hook of your spear. Pole vault across a gap or up onto a surface normally unreachable. Dish out some justice to a thief that has jumped up onto a roof thinking he has reached safety only to be poked to death by a long spear.
- Spears are arguably more versatile than any sword, axe, bow or mace, not only in combat but out of combat as well.
Cons- If your spear were to impale a very heavy and well sized enemy (horse, troll or something with a big mass) charging towards you, your spear might lodge itself so deep into the body you simply couldn't get it back in the middle of combat, or even after emerging victorious it might even be stuck so deep you might have to preform postmortem surgery to retrieve it, and lets not forget your enemy might fall down a chasm with his spear lodged in him.
- Spears with hooks on their point will have a tendency to get stuck the bodies of enemies, making them difficult retrieve, and very difficult to use with a living (or dead) enemy stuck on it.
- Spears penetrate armor, and require great strength or precision of the user and also need to be composed of quality materials in order to fully penetrate quality armor, I imagine spears would have no effect on mechanical units.
- A spear can be very unwieldy in confined areas (caves, indoors, tightly grown forests), A spear with hooks could get stuck in a bush or tree.
- Depending on the length of the spear, the usefulness will be compromised as the enemy advances closer to you. The longer the spear the more difficult it will be to use in close combat. The shorter the spear, the more vulnerable you will be.
- A spear is much more prone to breaking than any axe, sword or mace.
- A spear thrown at the enemy doesn't hit properly, a clever enemy will know to pick up the spear and use it against you.
How to put spears into the game.Spears are some of the most varied weapons in the world, they vary greatly in shape and size and functionality, there are many different types of spears and they can all be used in their own way, even in ways not originally intended, maybe Bethesda can figure out some new way of using spears.
So lets go through the various generic types of spears:
Thrown spears, generally anywhere between the full length of it's wielder to about three fourths of it's wielder.
Hunting spears, a man sized spear.
Spears intended for military use (extremely long spears used in phalanx/spear-wall formations)
Melee spears (very small spears; check out the African "" or "")
Odin (norse god) had a mythical spear named, said to always hit it's target. Odin was eaten by Fenrir at ragnarok a battle in which he wielded Gungnir, maybe if he had used a sword he'd be able to cut his way out of his stomach, who knows. Odin has been depicted using the spear as a thrown weapon and while on horseback. Spears do have a place in nordic culture and in european culture, it would be fun to see them come to life in The Elder Scrolls. Maybe the developers have simply made up their minds that spears are not a part of Tamriel and never will be. But I hope that I have at least convinced you all that spears are a very fickle weapon and only ever "overpowered" if in the right hands and the right place and used against the right target. Having said that, I will admit that I am no expert nor am I a spearwielder in real life or a historian. And it's not like Bethesda needs to copy-paste things from nordic culture into the game. This is Tamriel and even things that have nothing to do with norse culture are going to be in the game, so they could decide to go with a african/arabic type of short melee-spear with a nordic design which I wouldn't mind at all, A four-bladed or three-bladed assegai could have a design to allow for some runes to be engraved in the blades of the tip. And you can also think of culture as just being human culture instead of nordic, arabic, african, islamic or whatever. I don't see a reason why a viking blacksmith wouldn't have armed his fellow troops with a or assegai or for any other reason that he coincidentally did not think of it. I guess however that people will always stamp it as Chinese, Roman, African or Nordic because of their national pride.
Last words.But seriously speaking, the spear would be a very neat addition to Tamriel seeing as it is so peculiar and versatile, and I can certainly imagine many reasons why as not to include it, but the reasons to actually include spears far outweigh the reasons not to include spears.
I imagine spears as a weapon would be extremely tricky to put into the game not only from a balancing point of view but also from a programming point of view and making the art and animations too as mentioned by Badprenup. fighting with a spear is (or can be) so much different than fighting with any other weapon that a very own combat system might be required to incorporate the spear into the game. We also have to consider that they might not want to introduce spears to the game as they might become the most entertaining weapons in the game and may result in everyone playing with spear-characters all the time and everywhere. We all know Bethesda to be game-developers that always blow your mind with every new game they make with new intricacies in the game on every front of game developing process ranging between graphics, programming, story, balancing and making all of it fit nicely together. Understandably a varied piece of equipment like the spear could be extremely difficult to add into the mix, especially knowing how Bethesda would strive for perfecting the spears' place in Tamriel. I also wonder if Bethesda is skeptical to include such a horrifying weapon in the game because of its' potentially brutal uses. I would not be surprised if the most gutwrenching finishing moves were those of a spear. I can imagine myself playing the role of the maniacal viking brute running along the rugged forests of Skyrim and I happen to stumble upon a skulk of foxes, I impale the father on my spear and continue to slaughter the rest of the family, laughing like a maniac as I chase down the remainder of the family by whacking them with the corpse of their father one by one and then creating a family-sized (irony intended) shish-kebab of foxes to roast on a fire as the night sinks in. (this is of course fantasy, please don't be offended

Anyways, I hope that my post here will make a difference, and hope that the rest of the community will share their, hopefully, positive feedback.
Maybe we'll be able to convince the devs' that spears are worth including.
I give spears two thumbs up any day of the week.