It makes sense to give the same information when GI is not available in Europe, but only in the US, thus we in Europe also need(well, want) the information people in the US got. But you are right, some more info is bound to be in them...
Ah, yes, see what you mean... But that's it. Keep the US folks scrambling for Europe info, keep the European scrambling for US info. Point is that none of us should feel comfortable with one source of info - that would mean we did't have to think about the game 24/7, and what PR would want that ?

But what I mean is that if one thing got mistranslated, more could be as well. :/
Actually, you are right to be cautious. It's printed on the french mag that Beth scrapped athletics cause it was too easy to boost jumping, and what do we make of that ? Not really sure even the journalists are to be trusted : the french guy, he clearly didn't play much TES.
I am of course referring to those people that stated that Spellmaking was out. I haven't read everything there is to read about the subject, but expected those who made threads with information from those mags to be reliable, something they were not (to an extent).
That much is unavoidable, whatever the language. I mean, Todd speaks english, said they were still working on mounts, and there's already a "no mounts" thread.