» Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:07 am
For anyone with even the tiniest bit of interest in military history, spears are a must. They're the backbone of combat, and for periods of time only very notable warriors had something as luxurious as a sword. For these gamers, having everyone and their dog in a game world own a sword or a mace or a battleaxe looks rather off - a little but immersion breaking if you will. Anyone stating that "Elder Scrolls is not the same as human history so this is invalid" is throwing away the need to be able to relate to the Elder Scrolls world, so that's not a strong argument here. Spears are important to some of this gaming community.
However, gameplay is more important for those that don't have that historical interest. Spears are just another 'weapon type' to them, they don't add perks or don't look as cool, so "what's the problem?". Also, of course, TV, film and ridiculous Ren Faires tell us that swords are what is most important anyway.
So, no, this argument will never be concluded in this community, it depends on which separate interests the gamers have. However, can anyone argue that, if spears had been included, their presence would have a detrimental effect on the game?