But there hasn't been a chance to hit in any BGS game starting with Oblivion. There is accuracy in FO3, but that only affects the cone of fire, not a chance to hit (ie. if a target is close enough to completely envelop the cone of fire, the shot will always hit).
In FO4 the perception description mentions accuracy with VATS; if it affected weapon accuracy in all cases it would say so, I should think.
I already talked about both those points. Not everyone is willing to start revisiting respawned areas just to level up further. By the time we've seen most of the content, it's time to start over with a new character.
As for the other point, let me just walk you through what will happen to a lot of folks on monday:
You create a character with a SPECIAL spread that will enable you to buy all the perks you need to fulfill a certain idea. You start finding bobbleheads, and realize that all those extra points aren't going into giving you access to any perks you want. You then realize that if you had chosen your spread with -1 on every attribute, you could have massively boosted another attribute that you had ignored, giving you access to a ton more useful perks, and you'd then have a more capable character. You'll start getting that sinking "have I just gimped my character?" feeling.
Or, you could choose the spread with the bobbleheads in mind, but then while playing the game you'll start missing the perks that you had planned for your character because you have not found the relevant bobbleheads. Your character will feel incomplete. It could be a long time before you find the strength bobblehead, for example, so you could buy the Armorer perk.
Both are rather unfortunate scenarios. Would it not then be preferrable to redesign the bobbleheads?