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Yeah there was sway in F3.. lots of it..I had a hell of a time sniping. I think there was more sway in 3 than NV.
I have no source.. To me, the lack of so many perks shows that stats have a lot of meaning. There's no specific perk for throwing but surely something controls how far we can lob a grenade. A character can take Iron fist at a strength of 1. But you're still just a guy with 1 strength. Take all the perks and you do 80% more damage than a guy with 1 strength. . A guy with 10 strength is going to do more damage than that 1 strength guy without even taking any perks.
That's interesting.. Yeah, it sort of makes sense. I guess. I don't know.. nope doesn't make any sense. I thought I had it but now I don't. I have a clue maybe. Doesn't really matter. I'm just glad we can boost stats.
Yea, forgot about the scope sway. Scopes were so broken that I stopped using sniper rifles and never got into them even when mods supposedly fixed them. NV had sway for every weapon when aiming down the sights. The higher your respective gun skill, the lower the sway. Stances also affected it.
Not long to go now. We'll soon see.
bobbleheads are collectables. there aren't many in the game. i like to get rare and one of a kind items. some of these are hard to get. so far bobbleheads in the last two fallouts were obtainable. hope they are in FO4.
The magazines are going to work the same way, right? They will give you a perk?
They weren't broken.. you had to level your character. Scopes completely stopped moving eventually. It's an rpg.. based off character skills.. not your skills. You are supposed to completely svck at the beginning of the game. Pretty much the fun of any rpg. You start off terrible and get better. It's why I love games like Gothic.. Gothic you don't even know how to hold a sword properly at the beginning. You just run around stupidly waving your sword like a stick until you level up and find a trainer who can teach you how to hold a sword properly.
I wasn't referring to the swaying, but to a bug with the scoped weapons, which you can read about in the
I had a character hunt down every bobblehead once. It was for the achievement. Didn't really need it with 8 INT and 7 LUCK. But if I ever feel like doing a pre-war chosen badass run that'll be when I do it.
Honestly, I just build the initial character and play the game. If I find a bobble-head in my travels then it's happy discovery. During level-up I'll tailor the character as best as I am able. I feel that Bethesda games are really targeting people who want to explore and play the quests over players who view games as a framework of rules and stats with a video game veneer glued on top. I think of my friends who play MMO's. They couldn't care less about what they're actually doing in the game. They would be just as happy if the graphics were simply spread sheets of numbers. I'm not saying the OP is like that, but there certainly is a sub-set of players who "powergame" fallout or skyrim and I just don't get why one would want to do that when there is so much to see and do.
Ha.. that's funny that that's a bug.. I thought that was supposed to be added realism. Kick back. I don't play many fps games and I've never shot a real gun. So my experience with shooting is obviously limited. Hardly ever took sniper shots in real time though. I'm much more of a vats sniper. I think it'll be much more interesting this time around since I won't have an eternity to pick and choose my shot. I imagine much panicking will be had as I try to make a choice on which enemy to shoot while a bunch run towards me. "take the shot or run away?, take the shot or run away?.. Oh, no,!. I'm dead."
In Fallout 3, the main quest will pretty much lead you by the nose to those two bobbleheads plus one other that is hidden from the casual observer (in Megaton). There are some bobbleheads that side quests will lead you to (or near). There are a few that you can pick up if you are attempting to get a named weapon (like the MIRV or Vengeance, these two you will damned near trip over on your way to the weapon). A good half of the bobbleheads are just hidden in the wasteland. and can be found if you have a habit of exploring anything and everything.