Does this indicate any kind of cultural or spiritual link between the Khajiit and Dragons? Or was it just the result of two Khajiiti religious leaders having too much Skooma? Discuss
I think it on top of the Red Mountain battle they put themselves in is just their way of staying relevant. That and skooma.
The Khajiit seem to maintain that everything is cat-related.
Skooma*, sorry.
*That is to say it is an attempt for the Khajiit to be relevant. No more or less.
Did they say that in TESV or are you talking about Alkosh being called a "really big cat"? I don't remember the phrase being used to describe anything else.
My lore on the Khajiit is very shoddy to say the least. But I don't see how Alkosh to the Khajiit is different than Auri-El is to the Altmer. They're both aspects of Aka, but they may also retain individual separate qualities due to the Dragon breaks and belief, etc. I wouldn't rule out the connection, especially seeing as how the Ka'Po'Tun had their cat leader turn into a Tiger Dragon.
I'm patiently waiting for Tosh Raka to invade Tamriel. At the crux of Aka's intense schizophrenia.