Hello chums; i thought i'd put together this thread to cover some of the requests and help i need to finish POA [link in sig if you havent followed the mod development]
Hopefully some of you who have skills where i dont can chip in and help out some; or atleast guide me in the direction of something that would help. I'll try not to give too much away in the requests, but some requests are fairly obvious. I'll probably update this too in the future as i come across problems.
1. Ordinator Armor Retexture. Know the Outcasts from Fallout3? How they run around in retex Brotherhood armor, well i sort of need the same sort of thing for the 'normal' Ordinator (Indoril) armor. Preferably something that looks like they have recoloured it themselves ingame (ie: dont a retexture that makes it look suddenly made of metal or anything). I have little doubt there are some retx's out there, but i couldnt find any. Hopefully somebody can:
- a. Contact me and offer your services to make some,
- b. Direct me to a mod/resource that matches this loose description
- c. Tell me how i can recolour the existing textures. I am a quick learner, and its probably about time i learnt how to do this basic thing <_<
1. One of the final initiation missions requires the player to prove his Obediance. This is a massive hurdle i have not been able to get over. Basically ALL quests require obediance, since you go and do what you are asked. Ive torn my mind up trying to think of some elaborate (and it must be elaborate!) way to prove one's obediance. Maybe i shouldnt mod late at night when im tired... Can you guys think of anything? Maybe some elaborate example from folklore or mythology that can serve as a good model. I mean really it has to be more that just "go and do this and you will prove your obediance via.. err magic and obviousness.." Some situation/task that most players would not want to do but are forced to do for the quest -> but obviously nothing bad ("Go wipeout balmora!" -_- ) or anything stupid ("Go stand in lava for an hour!" -_- ). hmm
2. Mission ideas for fully inducted High Ordinators. In theory, now you should be joining the mainstream 'policeforce' defending Mournhold. With such a small environment, already crammed with quests, im still thinking i could do with some MORE ideas (ive got a long list.. but still dont feel 'right' about most of them). Obviously there has to be some mundane element to them, with the occasional task that gets complex*; so im trying to balance roleplaying tedium, with fun adventuring and satisfactory excitement.
3. Though im reasonably far away, i still need good ideas to round the quests/faction off. Inevitably i imagine that the player will earn some leadership position, probably just at the sort of 'Lodge Master' equivilent where you manage the Fortress Monastary: i am definately not going to offer up anything like "leader of the High ORdinators" or anything rediculous ad unbelieveable like that -_- As it stands, im thinking of some system similar to the Fighters Guild in Oblivion, where the player returns everynow and then to dictate general commands for the Monastary's business. But then thinking back to Oblivion, i never remember going back

And thats where im at ^_^
Help is helpful beloved community.
Cheers in advance: especially for the resource request -> urgent i guess.