So I built a 7 story Tower of Power as a personal fortress on Spectacle Island. It will be my private player home for only me and other settlers or companions. I built the tower AROUND that crooked metal shack that houses the workbench and beacon thing. I also made sure the power line out to the ship with the generator stayed in place. I made that level (1 and sub-basemant) the generator room. Since I have a bunch of built generators down there I assume I could disconnect the ship line and just hook it the new structures grid? Will this work?
I also use the mod "Spring Cleaning". So conceivably I could remove the beacon entirely. For my purposes it would be OK if the island was over-run with mirelurks. I have no lower door to my tower (I fast travel to the top directly). The idea is kind of appealing actually. I could hunt/target practice from top level balcony! Then I could go down for the meat when I'm low on grilling food!
If I remove that beacon will it break the game?
What do you all think? Anyone try this?