Speculation on the Dragonborn's fate in TES6

Post » Mon May 19, 2014 1:04 am

Yeah, the events of Skyrim are set in stone, but what we play is our experience, so the developers are free to decide the fate of the hero, the war and the world. The thing is, when they give us something like the Stormcloak or Imperial questline, they need to find a way to appease both sides or choose one side over the other. I would like to believe that my character's fate does not end with Skyrim, perhaps see some clues they left behind, rumors are probably what we will get dough.

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 1:58 pm

I guess I just prefer the idea that all characters are legitimate representations of the game's story. It's not hugely important, but I feel it takes away from the idea that TES is about doing whatever you want when some playthroughs can be considered canonically incorrect. At the very least, forcing the canonical Nerevarine into this one option is a little hypocritical when they leave every other aspect so ambiguous.

Again, though, I do think it's mostly excusable just because he was a nice throwback, and a cool character to bring back. It just felt a little awkward.

Edit: Also, to make clear - the only character of mine that actually killed Neloth was one who did the main quest, then killed everyone in Vvardenfell - nothing to do with the Trebonius quest.

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 9:02 pm

According to a rumor I heard in the pub a few weeks back, the Last Dragonborn took an arrow to the knee and became a guard.

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Emma Parkinson
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 7:20 pm

They could have it start in 3E 395 with Uriel Septim VII awaking in bed and saying to himself, "damn, that was some dream"

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 11:27 pm

Killing Neloth was an optional means to completing part of the main quest. And I like to consider that Neloth in Dragonborn might be a different person to Neloth in Morrowind. We only know him by his surname and station and Nibani Maesa makes a point that Telvanni lords are forgotten after they die. Although judging by the presence of one Varona Nelas, who also would have had a damn good face lift, I don't suppose that's what the developers had in mind.

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 9:55 am

I can see it now:

TES VI: Vanilla Septim.

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Chris BEvan
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 9:39 pm

Neloth in Dragonborn speaks of the Nerevarine, and of meeting him. Boom goes your theory.

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Kate Murrell
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 10:02 pm

Puts a whole new light on who the Dreamer is, don't it?

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 4:06 pm

He said "You are too young to remember the Nerevarine. He defeated Dagoth Ur and saved us all from the blight,". That doesn't mean that he personally met the Nerevarine, just as if someone said "You are too young to remember Duran Duran,". Everyone in Vvardenfell and probably most on the mainland knew of the Nerevarine during his time, so virtually everyone who lived in Morrowind just over 200 years ago may remember him to some extent. But I doubt my theory is true, I just fancy a new character.

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 7:06 pm

Two ideas from me:

1. Setting off to explore into the Sea of Ghosts. To try and reach Atmora.

2. Retaking Roscrea for Skyrim and living there as jarl

Edit to add third..

3. The Thalmor sack Cyrodiil. The Dragonborn unites Skyrim & High Rock and find the Nords a new High King
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 12:57 pm

I like the idea that he disappears into Apocrypha.

A Hero falling sounds pretty interesting to me.

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 5:11 pm

Both 1 and 3 occurred to me. I like them both.

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Milad Hajipour
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 7:37 pm

I do like the idea of the Dragonborn doing something after Skyrim, either exploring the Sea of Ghosts, which in a way, sound like a nod to Issgard, which would be amazing if they said, "I think the Dragonnborn went to explore the Sea of Ghosts and took over some island, but before that, they ended the civil war in Skyrim. The ending to the Skyrim Civil War is so ambiguous, what I would do for a DLC that gives an epilogue questline or something. My favourite theory is ascention, taking over for Ysmir, one of the three aspects of Talos, awakening Snow-Throat, then disappearing when they are no longer needed, dough it is rumored they traveled to an island in the Sea of Ghosts, and tha they now rule that island.

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 10:35 am

But what if they didn't get involved in the CW?

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 4:57 pm

My idea as to what happens considers the following truths:

The Dragonborn is essentially the leader of the Blades now. The Thalmor are the enemies of the Empire and the Blades. The Thalmor attacked the Dragonborn.

Conclusion: The Dragonborn will assault and destroy the Aldmeri Dominion with his voice, shouting them apart with the Blades (and maybe the Empire AND Stormcloaks) at his back.

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 12:17 pm

The problem with Skyrim is, based on the ending of the civil war, a lot of things changes. I hope that they will think of an ending that renders the whole thing void, but does not end with an Aldmeri invasion and conquest or something. The Dragonborn is the kingmaker here, choosing between the rebels and the loyalists, a group that wants to be rid of the Empire while the other wishes to reform and improve the Empire. I personally believe that sacrifice and patience is needed for the Second Great War, but that is beside the point.

The war could be rendered void by two things: Imperial collapse and Stormcloak collapse. The Empire collapses after the Mede bloodline is wiped out, infighting insues in Cyrodiil, leading to the Empire really collapsing. The Stormcloaks, even if they take over Skyrim, fail to rule without their leader, who is assassinated by Imperial loyalists. Skyrim falls into chaos untill a champion unities the nine holds, possibly having some ties to the Dragonborn, setting up Skyrim as the Talos worshiping, non-Stormclaok independent kingdom of the Nords. Dragonborn, who played a part in ending the conflict, dissapears, but is rumored to have gone north and was ruling an island in the Sea of Ghosts. They might have also gone to Apocrypha, where they have basically taken Miraak's place.

Rumors that could be in the next installments: Traveling to Hammerfell, traveling to Morrowind, traveling to High Rock and securing an alliance, ending the civil war, but not the conflict that followed, involved in the assassination of Emperor Titus Mede II, helped Jarl Kraldar rebuild Winterhold, rule some island in the Sea of Ghosts, this of course would be a nod to Issgard or something, I think they should put rumors in to make nods to the many mods for Skyrim, like the airship was a nod the the airship mods of previous games. These would of course be just rumors.

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James Shaw
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 5:17 pm

True. My idea is that if they mention the Dragonborn in the next game, they will probably only mention the stuff he did in the MQ and the 2 DLCs... it wouldn't make much sense if they mentioned the side quests...

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Alexis Acevedo
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 4:26 pm

1) The Blades = 6 people. Good luck with that
2)Dragonborn is not the leader of the Blades. Nothing in the game indicates this, AFAIK.
3)The dragonborn might not want to do that. Maybe they support the Thalmor, or are not up for slaughtering hundreds of people.
4) All we usually get is some vague, and possibly incorrect details about what happened, the Sheogorath thing in Skyrim being an exception, but still not forcing our characters into any set path other than completing a DLC(and if your character didn't, ol' Sheo is madness itself. Nonsensical ramblings). The Nerevarine rumor could be false etc. But saying that my Altmer LDB took a side in the war ( she is of the opinion that is foolish, and a stupid way to risk her life), but Empire-sympathetic), then had the brilliant idea of dragging a ragtag group to Alinor, and slaughtered hundreds of her own kind (remember, the Thalmor are a minority which control the Aldmeri government, many of their soldiers would have been conscripted or fell for propoganda, not nessecarily racist isolationist aupremacists like their higher-ups) would be a terrible way to go about it.
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 1:00 pm

Hang on:

The Nerevarine apparently went to Akavir towards the end of the 3rd era. Unless he's a Mer, he's dead now.

The CoC allegedly mantled Sheogorath.

I don't know what happened to the Daggerfall hero (the eternal champion?)

If the pattern holds, then in TES6 we will simply hear that the Last Dragonborn punched out Miraak, Harkon and Alduin, with no further mention of him in history afterwards. In other words, Bethesda will start TES6 with a clean slate.

Kind of a shame, really. I'll miss the LDB, and I will very badly miss the Thu'um. There's something so utterly Wagnerian about it. ;-)

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 1:35 pm

Unless he or she dies of something other than old age, I read that the Nerevarine's corprus essentially makes them immortal.

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Richard Dixon
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 10:05 pm

It DOES make him immortal. After the Nerevarine drinks the potion (in MW) then he doesn't age and is 100% resistant to deseases

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 4:21 pm

Thank you for confirming that. I knew it must be true, but I can never remember anything when I'm tired.

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chloe hampson
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 2:58 pm

Haha lol. I had a sick day today and I slept till like 1 so I'm wide awake. :banana:

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Stacy Hope
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 6:07 pm

Does anyone one else think that Bethesda copying the Elven hundreds of years long lifeline from other fantasy was a bad mistake? It causes all kinds of technical issues associated with lore. That's without the explanation as to why they aren't numerous in number as they live long enough to produce far more offspring
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Matthew Aaron Evans
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 8:08 pm

Well, the whole elves living a very long time is associated with elves in all cultures, which is really just Norse culture, in other lands they are more associated with Fay or Faeries, which also exisit in TES, we just haven't seen them yet. I think that they just reproduce less because of their long lives. I don't know why, but if you lived for a thousand years and were a human, you would basically be Walder Frey times one hundred, but if you're an elf, not neceserally any really. Elves don't seem to mate as much it seems.

I think that the Dragonborn has some kind of destiny, that will be hinted at in the next game. Nerevarine went to Akavir, Hero of Kvatch because Sheogorath, other two died or were presumed dead, or at least the Agent of the Blades was. Now, the Dragonborn does become Miraak's replacement, and they are invited to Sovngarde, and they are called Hjalti by the ghost of Old Hroldan. It seems to me that they have some connection to Talos, possibly replacing the Aspect of Ysmir, one of the three beings that comprise Talos the deity, along with Tiber and Zurin. I do like the idea of them travelign the Sea of Ghosts and eventually becoming ruler of some island, enclosed by ice and snow. Could be a refrence to Issgard. I think they should put nods in there for some mods.

So, after Skyrim, it would be mentioned that they ended the conflcit in Skyrim, Emprie collapses either way. They mention things like traveling with a vamprie woman, dealings with werewolves and vampires, travelign so Solstheim, slaying Alduin the World-Eater, could be mentioned by the Psijic Order, and eventually they did the traveling and becoming ruler by their own hand thing, possibly ascending atfer that.

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