Now I do not mind the system as such, I do prefer the older system though
One small feature I feel is pretty essential however is colour coded options.
Very often in Mass Effect (which is here they lifted the system from) you would say the wrong thing. By that I mean you would select one option which could be something as simple as "I don't think I'm interested"
Problem is you may have meant to say it in a generally dismissive way but Sheppard would instead go off on an angry rampage talking for line after line and ended up being completely disconnected from how it was displayed in the system.
This will be the one thing that will make me reload old saves because my character says one thing that I never intended and as a result crews a quest line.
This lack of transparency in the conversation system is very disconnecting and will cause many errors.
There needs to be some kind of visual cue as to what your character is going to say and how they are going to say it