» Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:39 am
I don't know what to do about Speechcraft, but I have a thing or two to say about lockpicking.
Remember how in Thief: Deadly Shadows, they went from a Morrowind-Style (but slightly different and more challenging) to Oblivion Style minigame? The huge issue is timing. While, I appreciate mini-games and find them somewhat entertaining, what they remove is the element of timing. If you're sneaking around, and a guard is suspicious, and you have a real-time Morrowind-style lockpick going on, it's intense! It's scary! It's adrenaline pumping! If you pause and go into a mini-game, its :yawn:
So, my proposal is Thief: The Dark Project lockpicking, or something very close, where you have a few picks, and have to switch between them in real time.