R.I.P. Speed and Athletics/Acrobatics. Is there an heir?

Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 11:34 pm

And now the same with the Atheltics and Acrotbatics. Was it fun to level them in Morrowind or Oblivion? NO. Only if you liked to jump around like an idiot and to get the best possible fall-damage without killing you to increase your skill.

It's easy to say Bethesda gets lazy by removing and/or polishing stuff. Take a look at the hand-placed flora, items, NPCs, cities or just the world itself and then tell me again that they're lazy.

I found jumping everywhere I went like some sort of crack addicted lemur, eventually being able to jump over entire buildings in a single leap to be fun. So I had fun with acrobatics.
Racing horses/deer/other passive and flighty wild life was also very fun to me. So leveling athletics also entertained me.

Also, hand-placed? The only things hand-placed in oblivion were the major cities and smaller villages. Literally everything else was randomly generated.
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Gen Daley
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 3:28 am

Thing is though is that adding the things we want back in wouldn't displease anyone. You can't really justify not having options in a game like this.

They made the decision to remove those. This isn't about one guy (propably Todd) saying "I didn't like this so throw it out!". I'm pretty sure they had plenty of conferences where they discussed the changes and that there were some people sitting in there who didn't want them removed. The majority of them thought these are ways to improve the game. People who can create a world with the size of an Elder Scrolls game are not stupid. But I agree that they're human and can make mistakes. But a clear sight on their mistakes can only be made after the release.

Nothing was stopping them adding more armor varieties before. The fact that there are thousands upon thousands of armor mods, a significant portion of which actually fit in with the game extremely well, often seamlessly, proves that it isn't impossible to create great armor sets with separated armor.

And there'll be plenty of armor mods too. Who knows? Maybe the option to seperate Greaves and Chest pieces is given in the new construction set? I can remember a Mod for Fallout 3/NV where you could attach seperate parts of merged armor from the vanilla game to your actual armor/clothes.
Everything is or could be possible. It's just not clear right now. It's sad for console gamers, but Beth thinks that it's a good decision. Whether you support it or not, I'm pretty sure Skyrim will be awesome any ways.

Problem was that it was a waste on the dev's part. Stuff like that is better left to modders.

Don't think so. But like I said, it's not possible to please everyone. You think it's a waste of time, others think it's not. There'll be enough bashing on this later after release because some people may expect too much of it.
Sometimes, people always expect too much and forget how hard it is to develop such a thing with "limited" resources. (Limited because they surely made the decision on how much time a part of a game may get for development).

Then the solution is to make them fun to level.

How? xD
I can't imagine any way...you need to run to get better at running. You need to jump to get better at jumping. Morrowind and Oblivion where the only games I can think where it was possible to train them ( I don't mean putting skill points somewhere to jump higher...). On one hand, it was right because it offered more flexibility and customization. But on the other, very big, hand it wasn't fun at all.

I found jumping everywhere I went like some sort of crack addicted lemur, eventually being able to jump over entire buildings in a single leap to be fun. So I had fun with acrobatics.
Racing horses/deer/other passive and flighty wild life was also very fun to me. So leveling athletics also entertained me.

Never said you couldn't have fun with them, just that leveling them was more pain than fun. A few weeks ago, I noticed that my acrobatics on my new oblivion character were awefully low and I hadn't unlocked the dodging my whole playthrough long. So what now? I was climbing the stairs of my Battlehorn castle and jumped off the rail over and over and over to increase they skill. Yaaaaaaay!

Also, hand-placed? The only things hand-placed in oblivion were the major cities and smaller villages. Literally everything else was randomly generated.

Yeah sure, push the button and the whole world pops up completely finished.
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Juan Cerda
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 12:49 am

I've seen it mentioned about how bad it was to level these skills in this thread and other threads on this topic. Someone mentioned this before and I think it is a good idea, with the new sprint mechanic you could have based the leveling of the skill around actions taken while sprinting. Maybe it is a combined skill now, but just limit your leveling process to when you sprint, jump when you sprint, perform high speed dodges etc. Now it levels like most skills in the game and not just as a passive thing. I'm kind of worried about what the last 2 skills in the thief list will be. Without a combined athletics/acrobatics it seems like they will have to have some really overly specific skills compared to the rest of the skills.
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Sophie Morrell
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:44 am

I do not like the removal of another mean to develop and individualize my character, but I know that I will not be hopping around Skyrim like a frog.

And I understand their reason to remove this option, somehow. ;)
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CRuzIta LUVz grlz
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 2:52 am

Controllable sprint effected by stamina points you invest in >>>>>>>>> Easymode super cheetah.

Deal with it.
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 3:08 am

Controllable sprint effected by stamina points you invest in >>>>>>>>> Easymode super cheetah.

Deal with it.

Because stop and go movement is always fun.
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stevie critchley
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:43 am

Yeah sure, push the button and the whole world pops up completely finished.

yes....thats what they did, of course they fluffed it with bs about how it simulated millions of years of erosion and weather conditions.

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dean Cutler
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 10:35 pm

I know, running was the most awesome style of gameplay, both in combat and just generally. To just jump and run around while your opponent tries to hit you was really a rewarding gameplay experience.

No but honestly, I don't care. I've played both Morrowind and Oblivion and I've never found myself relying on running around mindlessly in combat, and I've tried out almost all the possible styles of gameplay. Oh, and since stamina decides the duration of your sprint, then if you want to be fast, you just increase your stamina every level. And don't wear any armor at all either, in the Q&A they stated that's the main factor that decides your speed.

So, if you really want to run around mindlessly in combat or otherwise, then increase your stamina so you can sprint all the time, and don't wear any armor. Problem solved. As for acrobatics, well, it depends on what they have to say about that later, since no one knows yet if there are any factors that decide how far/high you can jump.
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 3:29 pm

Because stop and go movement is always fun.

because people can run like a cheetah forever.

and yes, it is fun. try sprint mods for FO3/NV.
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:09 am

Athletics prevented me from using horses, Acrobatics meant my whole game was spent hopping everywhere.
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Jeremy Kenney
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 4:01 pm

Never said you couldn't have fun with them, just that leveling them was more pain than fun. A few weeks ago, I noticed that my acrobatics on my new oblivion character were awefully low and I hadn't unlocked the dodging my whole playthrough long. So what now? I was climbing the stairs of my Battlehorn castle and jumped off the rail over and over and over to increase they skill. Yaaaaaaay!

Yeah sure, push the button and the whole world pops up completely finished.

Problem here is you saw those two skills as the grind skills and thought "welp, better only level them by doing exactly what the skill says. Running? Better just run from here to there. (Which I got from level 10 to level 60 in first run through of the game.) Jumping? Guess I'll just jump off this railing for a month." It sounds like you never bother getting creative with either skill.

And yes the environment was completely random. Can't tell you how many times rocks/tree's/grass/etc. decided it didn't want to be where the dev's "hand-placed" them on each new character I had. Enemies were randomly scaled and raced/gendered, loot was random, and wild life was random (I literally only saw wild horses on one of my characters. Another character I didn't run into one wolf. Ever.) Oh wait, the dungeons where hand placed*.

*See-copy paste.
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Tanika O'Connell
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 12:53 am

because people can run like a cheetah forever.

and yes, it is fun. try sprint mods for FO3/NV.

In TES, they could.

And I've yet to have any fun with a sprint option. The closest is Demon's Souls, but that's mostly because the levels are small enough for it to work and the enemy encounters are frequent. Everywhere else, it's run, stop, run, stop.
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Jani Eayon
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 3:14 pm

In TES, they could.

And I've yet to have any fun with a sprint option. The closest is Demon's Souls, but that's mostly because the levels are small enough for it to work and the enemy encounters are frequent. Everywhere else, it's run, stop, run, stop.

more like run , sprint, run, sprint.

I had great fun w/ the sprint mod, looks like Bethesda's opinions match mine and i'll love skyirm. :celebration:
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Andrew Tarango
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 3:07 pm

more like run , sprint, run, sprint.

You're going to have to explain this. How is that in any way "fun".
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Laura-Lee Gerwing
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 2:42 am

The Speed Attribute in general I think was a bit over the top as far as the Attributes went, I mean Agility pretty much spells out speed, and your ability to compensate for it, If your Fast and Not very dexterous your gonna stumble and fall all over yourself, where as if your Fast and Agile your more apt to the speed that the game gives you. I would imagine Agility should have some level of control over how fast your character is just as much as how they react, this is especially prevelent in your arguement with the sneaky classes cause yes, if Im a thief or a agent, or a assassin and I get in trouble, without some system that gives my character a added bonus to getting away from a situation, Im toast... literally, I dragon comes down and I dont have some place to out manuever or run away from it utilizing climbing, ledge grabbing, and rock solid manueverability of high speed sprint / running... I am toast or a popicle the first time I am sprayed with a breath attack.

My hope was that they would drop Speed, let Agility take over a section of increased movement control, and somehow merge Acrobatics and Athletics into a single coehesive skill that helped players move around Skyrim uniformly rather than completely just drop attribute and skills.
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Lalla Vu
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 6:26 pm

I've seen it mentioned about how bad it was to level these skills in this thread and other threads on this topic. Someone mentioned this before and I think it is a good idea, with the new sprint mechanic you could have based the leveling of the skill around actions taken while sprinting. Maybe it is a combined skill now, but just limit your leveling process to when you sprint, jump when you sprint, perform high speed dodges etc. Now it levels like most skills in the game and not just as a passive thing. I'm kind of worried about what the last 2 skills in the thief list will be. Without a combined athletics/acrobatics it seems like they will have to have some really overly specific skills compared to the rest of the skills.

That's the same thing as it did before, running, sprinting, swimming, and jumping are how you move around the world. You can't NOT train those skills and that is what makes them passive.

yes....thats what they did, of course they fluffed it with bs about how it simulated millions of years of erosion and weather conditions.


Well...technically that is exactly what they did when they were creating the height map and hit the "erode" button in the Height Map editor which simulates weather erosion.
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 5:03 pm

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Nathan Risch
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 9:06 pm

You're going to have to explain this. How is that in any way "fun".

It's realistic and it's controlled and can be used tactically in battles. It has more depth then being stuck in cheat mode.

it comes down to opinion. but gladly they're on my side.


So dumbed down that it has more features and content. snip
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 10:00 pm

So dumbed down that it has more features and content. snip

Nobody will know that until the game comes out.
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Sunny Under
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 4:53 am

So dumbed down that it has more features and content. snip.

I've yet to see any useful "new features" other than dragons and forging. I really don't care about stupid [censored] like romance and chopping wood, seriously.
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Adrian Morales
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 12:18 pm

I've yet to see any useful "new features" other than dragons and forging. I really don't care about stupid [censored] like romance and chopping wood, seriously.

that sir. is strictly a matter of opinion.
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Hope Greenhaw
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 10:17 pm

I've yet to see any useful "new features" other than dragons and forging. I really don't care about stupid [censored] like romance and chopping wood, seriously.

This is called opinion. The fact remains from what we've seen = it has more content and features.

Yeah, a few natural things replaced old rpg-numbers(Perks/Sprint), so it's "dumbed down" ---- what a archaic way of thinking.
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Assumptah George
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 9:51 pm

It's realistic and it's controlled and can be used tactically in battles. It has more depth then being stuck in cheat mode.

it comes down to opinion. but gladly they're on my side.

Tactical only in the sense that you have one chance to close the distance quickly. As it drains stamina, it's usefulness in combat would be limited by draining the bar you use to power your attacks.

Also, it's not very realistic to recharge your stamina by running. :rolleyes:
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jadie kell
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 4:50 pm

Tactical only in the sense that you have one chance to close the distance quickly. As it drains stamina, it's usefulness in combat would be limited by draining the bar you use to power your attacks.

Also, it's not very realistic to recharge your stamina by running. :rolleyes:

ive gone on runs where i run for a mile then sprint as long as i can then run until i can sprint some more. is that not an example of regaining stamina while running?
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Leticia Hernandez
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 5:16 pm

This is called opinion. The fact remains from what we've seen = it has more content and features.

Sure, it has more content and features than Oblivion, which is like saying that somebody has more intelligence than a rock.
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