Speed and Strength Modes on Nanosuit 2

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:42 am

Anyone ever notice that there are no modes for strength or speed at all? Just Armor and cloak. I've seen videos of the beta for 360 showing it automatically activates speed mode when you sprint. What I'm seeing is just normal human sprint speeds with no significant boost at all. This makes the Nanosuit 2 inferior to the Nanosuit 1!
Videos showing strength mode are disappointing as well. All you have to do is hold the melee button for a burst of strength. It's brief and...TAKES UP THE ENTIRE SUIT'S ENERGY JUST FOR ONE PUNCH!!!!!!! Another reason why Nanosuit 2 is inferior to the Nanosuit 1. In Nanosuit 1 you could punch while in strength mode and only use a small amount of energy. This better not be in the final product. I remember hearing that strength and speed will be put into one module to make things simpler. I don't mind that.
At least the Nanosuit 2 looks better than Nanosuit 1 at times.
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Sasha Brown
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:29 pm

It is the final product. Enjoy!
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Austin Suggs
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:30 am

Streamlined powers =/= inferior
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The Time Car
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:43 am

Its superior because you can combine the powers now, like you can use speed then jump with strength in one seemless motion, or do all of these with cloak or armour on. i dont know what vids uve been watching because when i was playing it you could cover distance very rapidly.
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Trevor Bostwick
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:47 pm

You've been playing an unfinished beta with a ton of bugs. I played the multiplayer demo, and the super punch only takes a portion of the suit energy, and does alot of damage. Wait for the final product before you judge the suit.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:42 pm

Crytek needs to do something to fix the sprinting. Its looks like a fat guy trying to run, and the fact that it takes energy is just flat out disappointing.
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Tiffany Castillo
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:05 pm

The nanosuit is simplified only in the Console versions because you can't switch to the str/speed/cloak modes so fast as with a mouse than a controller. So they made it Armor mode(which includes str/speed) and cloak. BUT, for the PC, we're still having that wheel thingy with the middle mouse button, and strength mode IS strength mode just like speed mode. They will both be divided just like in Crysis 1. So relax.
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BrEezy Baby
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:15 pm

I'ts way cooler when the suits speed and strength is on at all time. Now you can do a power jump with high speed and jump further than you could in crysis 1. I really liked how they did things in crysis 2
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Juan Suarez
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:51 am

I liked the suit in strength mode on Crysis 1 where you would see the red hexagons on the suit and the speed mode colour, which looked awesome, now you don't see it (judgeing from the videos I've seen) I'll miss that.
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Nicole Elocin
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:33 pm

I agree speed and strength were far superior in nanosuit 1, nanosuit 2 has tougher armor but that is literally the only improvement. It feels so slow and clunky compared to the first game. Also why cant we shoot while holding enemies? So many downgrades.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:38 pm

I agree speed and strength were far superior in nanosuit 1, nanosuit 2 has tougher armor but that is literally the only improvement. It feels so slow and clunky compared to the first game. Also why cant we shoot while holding enemies? So many downgrades.

i agree. People are saying that now you can use speed and then strength jump seamlessly....but you oculd do that in crysis 1 if you were fast enough with your mouse. Hell you could pop out of stealth, pop into strenght, fire a shot, and pop back into stealth with no kpa seeing you if you were good enough.

Also i'm worried about picking up equipment. Someone on here said before that in warhead on easier difficulties you auto picked up equipment and the arm grabbed it on higher difficulties. Well every video i've seen, leaked or not, has had no arm picking up weapons and ammo. You mean to tell me not a single person that has posted footage is playing on hard? God i hope so because that was one of my favorite features and it seems silly to remove something like that ya know.....but if they removed shooting while holding enemies, another features thats awesome and has no reason not to make the cut, then who knows =[
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Natalie J Webster
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:25 pm

Strength and Speed have been merged into what is now known as Power mode. While they are now merged, on all the time and can be used with Armor and Cloak they are generally weaker than the counterparts.

You cant use Strength to reduce recoil/sway.
You cant run as fast as Speed would allow in Crysis 1.
You cant use Speed to just generally walk faster without consuming energy.
You cant sprint without consuming energy.
You cant use Speed to reload/ADS faster.

Overall the change is that Nanosuit 1 modes are generally stronger but Nanosuit 2 modes can be used together.
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Mrs. Patton
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:34 pm

to me that sounds totally yawnable because you could already use suit modes together in the first game. Maybe its somehow different from what i'm imagining and i'll like it. here's hoping
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Brandon Wilson
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:23 pm

to me that sounds totally yawnable because you could already use suit modes together in the first game. Maybe its somehow different from what i'm imagining and i'll like it. here's hoping

I dont think you played crysis 1, you had to choose from 4 modes, Armor(default), Strenght, Speed or cloak, they could not be mixed togeter
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Lucie H
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:30 pm

bro. if you cant use the mouse wheel to go from cloak > strenght mode > high jump onto a roof > cloak in one fluid motion OR cloak > aim down sights > strength mode > headshot > cloak....etc.etc.etc....then there's somethign wrong with you :D

what i've describe is most definatly combining suit modes. I don't think it was broken so i think the 'fix' to cater to the 'game within a game, suit playstyles' that people supposedly had is a definite downgrade. I dont need speed and strength to be in the same 'mode' because i could do it with my hands. So theres some skill gone and with it goes a bunch of subtle little things that the suit did to gameplay(farther grenade throws, faster reloads, faster swimming, faster turret charging handle pullback, faster movement in speed w/o sprint, etc) that i will sorely miss.

To me crysis was so incredibly amazing not only because of the graphics and the fun gameplay but usually in a game i'm curious and i think, "hmmm i wonder if this will work...and it usually doesn;t" In crysis when i had those moments and i try something out it always friggen works! Its make so realisticly that things that would happen by common sense actually happen in the game because the attention to detail and depth was so awesome! Things like the grenade throw and faster reload are just that. Details easily overlooked by gamedevelopers but crytek obviously sat down and thought, How would these suit functions effect nearly EVER. SINGLE. action a player might do. It's all about immersion for me. Now i feel a bit of that is gone. Same with weapon/ammo pickup.
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Antonio Gigliotta
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:15 pm

nanosuit 2 is a lot better than NS 1, in crysis 1 i didnt have to use strength or speed to survive, i only needed armor mode but in crysis 2 u need everything u have to survive, trust me...
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Charleigh Anderson
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:15 pm

The nanosuit is simplified only in the Console versions because you can't switch to the str/speed/cloak modes so fast as with a mouse than a controller. So they made it Armor mode(which includes str/speed) and cloak. BUT, for the PC, we're still having that wheel thingy with the middle mouse button, and strength mode IS strength mode just like speed mode. They will both be divided just like in Crysis 1. So relax.

Why couldnt they just map the powers to the D-pad?
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:31 am

I think the D-pad is used for weapon selection.
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..xX Vin Xx..
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:21 am

nanosuit 2 is a lot better than NS 1, in crysis 1 i didnt have to use strength or speed to survive, i only needed armor mode but in crysis 2 u need everything u have to survive, trust me...

bro its not my fault that you're a dullard and have no imigination or urge to get more out of a game than just to beat it.
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Hannah Whitlock
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:43 pm

To me crysis was so incredibly amazing not only because of the graphics and the fun gameplay but usually in a game i'm curious and i think, "hmmm i wonder if this will work...and it usually doesn;t" In crysis when i had those moments and i try something out it always friggen works! Its make so realisticly that things that would happen by common sense actually happen in the game because the attention to detail and depth was so awesome! Things like the grenade throw and faster reload are just that. Details easily overlooked by gamedevelopers but crytek obviously sat down and thought, How would these suit functions effect nearly EVER. SINGLE. action a player might do. It's all about immersion for me. Now i feel a bit of that is gone. Same with weapon/ammo pickup.


Don't think I could have said it better, although i think more than a "bit" is gone.
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Madison Poo
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:56 am

I totally agree with BradIzzWHA, Hedgehog8 and partly with Pears.

So I hope Kryndon is correct.

Nobody really knows what will be in the final product. If I remember correctly even the leaked ‘pc-version’ was set to console-settings?

The one thing that would indeed be an improvement is being to jump high with high speed. But if it’s true that speed is not really speed anymore (like in crysis 1 where you had 3 ways. Just running in another mode. Walking fast in speed mode and running in speed mode (only the last one used energy)) then there is no real speed-jump. Best way to accomplish that is if you switch from speed to armor to let speed still be active for 1 sec and there you have your speed and strength jump. (without compromising the rest)

Besides auto-strength would mean no recoil and that would become too easy and boring. But I can understand that for consoles this is better. So it would be a logical decision to give the console this option and PC-gamers the old version.

But let’s give Crytek some credits and wait for the demo. If they really care about the community and know what they are doing these things will be still in. Just like leaning and shooting and at least allowing modders to make levels that can handle more players.
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KiiSsez jdgaf Benzler
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:39 am

Agreed. Lets wait for the demo, but until then I'm still hoping that changes will be made for the Nanosuit 2. And also, don't get mad at me for asking for too much. Crytek themselves said that they want to deliver the best experience possible so I thought anyone can suggest some small changes considering the Nanosuit 2's modules aren't as much of a big deal. Correct me if I'm wrong, I don't know the difficulties.
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Noraima Vega
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:30 am

I hope Crytek does have something different from what we've seen the nanosuit do so far, because right now it looks slow and clunky compared to the fast, smooth and exhilerating gameplay with the nanosuit 1. An actual power mode with true maximum speed and strength would make nanosuit 2 so much better.
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Jonathan Montero
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:49 pm

yeah i'llstill stand by crytek no matter what happens. They are stil my fav developer i think and they have done/are doing stuff that nobody else is doing. So they didn't cater the game to exactly my tastes lol.....i'll get over it and still love them forever :D
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Rudy Paint fingers
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:14 pm

The nanosuit is simplified only in the Console versions because you can't switch to the str/speed/cloak modes so fast as with a mouse than a controller. So they made it Armor mode(which includes str/speed) and cloak. BUT, for the PC, we're still having that wheel thingy with the middle mouse button, and strength mode IS strength mode just like speed mode. They will both be divided just like in Crysis 1. So relax.
u sre about that Oo ? if that true that would be awesome
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