Thanks! But giving up shortblade seems tough.

And also, can't I just take steed as my birthsign, like mutmekep suggested, and keep my agility? Does it matter which attribute I choose first?
It's always tough to design a character with GCD. It's mostly useful to use with specialist characters rather than with hybrids.
The Steed is fine too, but it really depends on which attributes you want to increase the most. If you want high agility as well then the skills will have to focus on that - by putting them as majors. No it doesn't matter which attribute you choose first.
Then there's Illusion; governed by personality but you want the intelligence instead. Do you want to cast high level spells? If not then your original build is possibly good enough. You just won't be able to train when the skill is as high as or higher than its governing attribute (around 40 I guess). You can level it further simply by using the skill of course.
I can suggest another build in which you keep shortblade and are able to get illusion a bit higher:
Attributes: Agility, Personality
Birthsign: Steed
Majors: Illusion, Speechcraft, Short Blade, Marksman, Security
Minors: Alchemy, Light Armor, Acrobatics, Athletics, Sneak
If you try that excel sheet tha comes with GCD (stat calculator) then you can move everything around a bit. Because after all I don't know which parts of your build you really want to keep.