» Sun Feb 23, 2014 5:03 pm
Most spells are instant and while they have an animation, they don't have a casting time in the sense of a cast bar. Those that do have a casting time don't seem to experience 'pushback' from damage in the way that a game like WoW does it. You can stop a spell from being cast with an interrupt (a weapon bash or one of a handful of powers that have an interrupt effect), by causing the target to lose control (paralyzed/stunned/etc), or silenced (which is a short duration effect). Silence is the only one that's liable to stop an instant effect, though.
Casting animations (whether instant or those with a casting time) do not lock you in place; you can't sprint while doing so, but you can still walk/run. (The same applies to standard attacks, mind you.)
IIRC the default behavior of Blood Altar is that it's a fire-and-forget that's placed in a single spot and creates an AoE HoT. One player at a time (not the caster) can activate it to channel a faster HoT, but this reduces the overall duration of the altar. Morphing the power can change some of this in various ways.