Yesterday I discovered to my surprise, that the cost of custom spells is higher than the cost of the same spells sold by merchants, sometimes significantly.
I did a bit of research and I found out that there are 2 different formulas used by the game.
The formula for automatic calculation of cost of spells sold by spell merchants:
[(min + max) * duration + area] * base cost / 40 ~ rounded up
Area for spells cast on self is considered 0.
Spells without AoE have an area of 0.
The formula for custom spells (spellmaking):
[(min + max) * (duration + 1) + area] * base cost / 40 ~ rounded down
Area for spells cast on self is considered 1.
Minimum area for other spells is 1, despite diplaying 0 in the spellmaking window.
Almsivi/Divine Intervention
[(1+1)*1+0]*150/40=7.5 ~ 8
[(1+1)*(1+1)+1]*150/40=18.75 ~ 18
[(1+1)*1+0]*350/40=17.5 ~ 18
[(1+1)*(1+1)+1]*350/40=43.75 ~ 43
[(10+10)*1+0]*8/40= 4
[(10+10)*(1+1)+1]*8/40=8.2 ~ 8
I don't see a reason for this discrepancy and consider this a bug. So my question is:
1. Is there a mod that "fixes" this?
2. Is it possible to fix this in the CS? Or would changing the formula require changing the .exe?
3. Did the creators of MCP consider inplementing such a change?