spell damage, keywords and enchanted weapons

Post » Wed May 29, 2013 8:12 pm


i'm fairly new to skyrim's creation kit and find it quite confusing.

my goal was to improve dmg dealt by player spells via perks (20% bonus dmg for each rank in novice, apprentice and so on, like weapons), which was relatively straight-forward.

yet, the use of "mod spell magnitude" also increased the magnitude/damage of destruction-enchanted weapons, which i'd like to set back to default.

any suggestions how i could separate those two mechanics?

furthermore, the augmented [element] perks do the same, making them quite the choice for enchanters. with extra effect, there's a "glitch", where if you put two element types on the same weapon, and have both augmented perks at 2/2, the magnitude of each element is increased TWICE, since it's a combined effect. this is not so much related to the above problem, but i'd like to get rid of the damage-increase for enchanted weapons from using augmented [element] perks alltogether.

it's amazing how well designed those mechanics are NOT :D

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